Chapter 5

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I leave Safaa's room, her words still replaying in my head. In some way this feels like a major warning about Perrie. She looks to be a very annoying and mean person. That's the last kind of person I want to deal with this summer, if I were to be honest.

I forgot to ask Safaa where Waliyha's room is at. Trying a few doors wouldn't hurt right? I try the one on my left first, but that's just a guest room waiting to be used since the sheets are still neat and unwrinkled. The door on my right is a toilet.

I then go to the door at the other side of the hallway and it's fully dark. I frown lightly wondering what's in this room.

I silently slide my hand over the wall searching for the light switch. Finding it, I switch it on and a beautiful room is now in front of me.

The walls are a creme white color lighting the room just enough. There's a huge walk-in closet with the doors wide open making me almost drool at the sight of all the clothes. Another door also decorates the wall and I guess that it's probably an ensuite bathroom. A large kingsized bed is in front of me and I notice how it's even bigger than mine. Is that even possible?

To the left of the bed I see curtains hanging from the ceiling. There has to be a balcony or something like that behind it.

I'm 99% sure that this is a girls room. Hints of pink pens and frames don't go unnoticed.

This only made me wonder how Zayn's room must look like. Safaa already told me that he always sleeps in his basement, but he also seems to have got a room here, upstairs.

"What are you doing here?" A high pitched feminine voice exclaims. I shriek in surprise and now indeed notice Waliyha sitting up in her bed. She rubs her eyes, an annoyed look on her face. I woke her up from a nap.

"I came to check on you." I say silently, feeling guilty for waking her up.

"That isn't necessary. I can take care of myself."

"Safaa, Zayn and that Perrie girl are awake." I awkwardly announce.

"If she's downstairs, I'm not leaving my room." She stubbornly says laying back down and snuggling into her pile of pillows.

"Why do you and Safaa hate her so much?" I wonder out loud even when the question is more directed towards myself, but Waliyha answers it anyway.

"She one of the meanest people you'll ever meet in your whole life. She doesn't want me nor Safaa around Zayn. It takes his attention away from her." She air quotes mimicking Perrie.

"The smallest thing we do is wrong in her eyes. She'd start screaming at us and then Zayn also would. She even told me and Safaa in the face how much she despites us, but when we told Zayn she acted all innocent and of course he didn't believe us. So now and then we joke around on her like when I put hair-colour in her shampoo. She screamed so hard that the whole neighbourhood must have been woken up." She smirks thinking back of the memory.

"Are you still doing stuff like that?" I ask interested in the topic.

"After we laid a dead mouse in her bed Zayn was so mad that he didn't talk to us nor gave us even one glance for a whole week. I never saw him that mad and now we don't dare to do anything else. I'm afraid he'll never talk to us again then. It's been more than a month since we did something actually fun."

It's sad to hear how Zayn choses Perrie over his own sisters. But he's taking it way too far by not taking them with him to do some fun stuff. A big brother should do that for his sisters.

I went through the same things as them. I never had fun because my mum died and even when I had friends, I could never invite them because my dad was an alcoholic.

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