Chapter 36

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"Watch me." Abigale left my lap without another word and directly dissapeared in the dancing crowd. I waited five minutes knowing she'd come back but she didn't. Fuck her and her wilfulness. I also stood up, wanting to search for her but someone tugged at my wrist.

"What?" I rudely barked at the person. When I looked to my left I saw Britney with a smile on her fake face. Great. Note the sarcasm.

"No need to be rude. Your little bird will come back or maybe not..." She pointed towards the dance floor where I saw Abigale and Aron enter it, both red cups in their hands. I couldn't help but look at Abby in that dress, it perfectly hugged her curves. To me she always looks perfect, no matter what she's wearing.

"She can do what she want." I snapped at her. This was exactly the conversation Abigale and I had but now I was the one that said she could do what she want. Our argument was so pointless, I see that now.

"Have a little fun. Here." Britney her words made me snap back to reality. She held a cup in front of my face. One last time I looked back at Abby and that son of a bitch. Well, his mother wasn't exactly the bitch over here since she doesn't try to steal my girlfriend. I grabbed the cup, threw my head back and gulped it all in at once.

Directly my head started to feel weird and... "What was in my drink?" I asked madly. Britney smirked and than took something out of her purse. Drugs. I was screwed.


F uck.

My mind had not the time to process what I was doing when I walked over to them. The alcohol giving me so much confidence. I felt like I could faint any moment. Drinking surely wasn't my thing.

"Zayn?" I drunkly asked looking at him like he had two heads. Maybe he did...

"Abby." He smirked and than continued letting the slut grind against him. My mouth opened and I looked at him in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" Things started to get clearer suddenly or at least that's what I thought.

"Have a little fun, party-pooper." He stuck his tongue out in a childish way and I wanted to slap him, no, I wanted to slap Britney.

This wasn't the Zayn I knew. "What did you do to him?" I basically growled at the blonde who had this smug look on her face. She raised her hands in defense. "This is his choice." She referred to herself. A snort left my mouth.

Alcohol definitely had bad effect on me. "Sure!" I harshly pushed her away from my boyfriend and grabbed his wrist. People were staring at us. "We are going. Now." But I couldn't care less.

Zayn looked to be in his own world as I quickly dragged him behind me, hoping Brit-slut wouldn't follow or try more stuff on him. We exited trough the front door and I searched for Zayn's car. Eventually I found it parked at the end of the street. How things like this could sober a drunk up, I thought.

Wait, I can't drive in this state. Plus I can't drive at all. My father wrecked our car when I just got eighteen so I never had the chance. Shit. I reached in Zayn's pocket for his keys, who wiggled his eyebrows trying to be seductive and sat him in the passenger seat totally ignoring that. I locked the car and went back inside searching for someone sober. All Zayn's friends were just as intoxicated. And at the look of it no one seemed to be sober at this party.

I went back outside, more stumbled. Myphone. I grabbed the device from my bra and dealed the only number I knew was willing to help us. After three rings the call was answered.

"Doniya?" I asked trough the phone.

"Abs? You sound drunk." She laughed and I laughed along not knowing why, damn you alcohol. I just felt like it, man. What was happening?

"Yeah, can you pick us up?" I casually asked looking at the car where Zayn sat. He looked to be asleep or unconsious. I go for option two.

"Where are you?" She asked willing to pick us up. I knew it, yes.

"At Julian's?" I tried holding the back of my hand against my forehead. I didn't know the adress so I could only hope she knew.

"You're lucky I know where that is. Be there in ten." With that she ended the call. I entered the car and waited. Zayn his head laid on my lap and he looked happy. Too happy...

His left eye opened and he smiled looking up at me. "Hey." He smirked and I couldn't help but smile. He was cute when he was drunk. Wait, what?

"Hey. Doniya is coming to pick us up." I said even though he probably paid no attention. My hand went trough his hair and he hummed in appreciation.

It had been ten minutes since the call so I guessed she'd be here any minute. My thoughts were confirmed as I saw her minutes later driving into the street where Zayn and I were parked on the side.

I stepped out and Zayn did the same almost falling over. I steadied him and we walked over to the car. Doniya stopped in front of us and I opened the door of the backseat and helped me pushing Zayn inside. Damn, he was heavy. Snaps of cameras were heard from behind me but I ignored them blaming the alcohol.

Afterwards I stumbled into the passenger seat.

"Thank you." I said as I rested my head against the refreshing, cold window.

"No probs. Lucky for you the girls were already sleeping. Was the party this short?" She asked referring to the little time we were inside. "You've only been there for like two hours." She raised her eyebrows and I shrugged.

"It was time we left." I sighed remembering Zayn and Britney. I never hated someone so fast like I hated Britney. That sl-

"Something happened?" She asked.

"Yeah, but don't wanna talk about that now." I mumbled and she agreed. Soon we were at the house and both me and Doniya helped Zayn get to his room. Something wasn't right with him.

He hummed to himself happily while I removed his shoes. I threw them to the side and than quickly tugged down his jeans. Things were less awkward when I was also drunk. He smirked at me and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Not now, Zayn." I sighed and tugged down my own dress. I quickly searched for a t-shirt that was his and pulled it on. I laid down next to him and turned off the light.

"Love you." I murmured while covering myself with the sheets.

"Love you too, Britney."


Twitter: @adoringzaynxx

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