Chapter 17

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We arrive home, without Zayn, who had to go to a birthday party and we all want to watch a movie. Nothing new here. We didn't know a good one at first but then Waliyha came with the idea to watch 21 jump street. I have never seen it before and same goes for Safaa so we decide to watche it on their huge flatscreen.

Channing Tatum is one of the main characters and I will not complain about that. He's a pleasure to watch.

"Can we make some popcorn?" Waliyha asks indicating that I should be the one making it. I roll my eyes

"Yes, I'll do it." I answer standing up. I walk towards the kitchen taking the popcorn which was in a bag that needed to be placed in the microwave. I did so for one minute while watching the movie through the doorway waiting it to be ready.

I pour the delicious smelling popcorn in three seperate bowls so we didn't have to disturb the person holding it the whole time. I'm about to leave the kitchen when I hear something at the backdoor. I freeze in my steps praying it isn't someone with bad intentions. The bowls slip from my grip when I see Zayn standing there.

"Hey, baby." He says walking towards me with a big smile plastered on his face. On his way he trips over nothing showing just how intoxicated he was right now.

"Zayn, are you drunk?" I ask eventhough I knew the answer already. I smell the strong scent of liquor as he nears me. But it's not the only thing I notice. His eyepupils are big. Not normal big, the I have used drugs sort of big.

I start to get afraid. How he looks and he's under influence of drugs. You never now what people like that are capable of.

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I missed my little baby." He cooes.

"Zayn go to sleep." I say pushing him back slightly. I already feel the tears I've got bad memories of drunk people which I want to forget fastly.

"No I wanna have some fun , here , with you." He says putting his arms around my waist and pulling me into his chest. I put my hands on his chest and push him away.

"No Zayn." I say demanding.

"Yes." He says pushing me against the wall behind me. Where his hands press on my wrists it starts to get painfull. He's gonna hurt me if he doesn't back up in time.

"Zayn."I say but I'm cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine. I can taste the alcohol. It's not the same as I drank yesterday.

"No honey just enjoy." He says pressing me even harder.

My wrist are feeling sore already. He has to

"Zayn stop you're hurting me."

Regret shows in his eyes as he abruptly pull his hands back and let them fall at his side.

"I think I should sleep."

And with no other word he's gone. He just casually walks off to the door which leads to his hallway. He turns around looking at me but at the time he opens his mouth to say something it directly closes again. Then his door closes. I sigh deeply in and out and just one second later Waliyha walks in and her eyes widen when she sees the mess.

"I saw a mouse." I say sheepishly.

"I know Zayn is home." She says. F*ck.

"I don't know what's going on between you two but I'll find out be sure about that." She threatens and then turns around walking back to the living room.

"And don't forget a new bowl with popcorn." She yells after her. She's definitely her brother's sister.

I bow over to clean the mess I made. Or better said Zayn made by scaring me. I never knew that he's be on drugs. Why'd he do that? That's so stupid.

I think I just need some rest. After making a new bowl of popcorn and handing them to Safaa and Waliyha, I wish them a goodnight and go to my room.

My wrists are still feeling sore and I just hope it's doesn't turn out bruised.

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