Chapter 28

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The four of us are sitting at the kitchen table, silently eating our lunch. The silence is comfortable but it still feels weird. The only thing you can hear is the clattering of our reckoning against the plates.

Since I know Zayn's secret my mind doesn't stop about it. I just can't think the same about Zayn as before and I'm sure he knew it by now. Every few seconds he looks over at me and flashes one of his breathtaking smiles but I just fake a small one back. His past is tragic and sad, but knowing he's sort of addicted to drugs is just weird. Never in a million had I expected this. I'm regretting how fast I gave in after his story because that meant we left that all behind us, but I can't forget about it.

I wanted to talk about this to someone I could trust and was old enough for it. But the only one I trusted enough was my mum and she was death.

Then suddenly a person came to mind.

"Zayn, would you mind taking care of the girls for maybe a few hours?" I asked sweetly. He raised his brows.

"Where are you going maybe?" He asked.

"To the mall." I lied.

"Okay." He answered as he continued to eat and I stood up walking towards my room to get ready. I was almost out of the kitchen when Zayn called for me. I turned around and he was standing in front of me.

"Here. Take this."

He held a card and when I looked closer I saw it was his bank card. Woah!

"Zayn that really isn't nessecary." I said pushing the card towards him.

"You'll take it one way or another." He placed it in my hand and than leaned in to give me a quick peck.

"Have fun, love." With that he turned around and walked away.

It surprised me that when he kissed me the butterflies came. I knew I still loved him and that wouldn't change soon. The only thing that will change is his addiction to drugs. I could assure that!

I walked to my room and dressed myself with a pair of jeans and white shirt with a blue cardigan. I didn't feel like dressing up to much it'd just be a trip to the forest.

That reminded me that I still had to ask him.

I scrolled trough my phone for his number and then dialed it.

"Aron? Can you meet me in the forest?"


"Why did I have to come?" Aron asked as he tapped the space in the grass next to him. I sat down.

"I want to talk about you know.. what happened with Zayn yesterday."

He tensed at the subject I wanted to talk about.

"Abigale... I don't think it's a good idea to talk about this." Aron said nervously.

I looked at him. I was disappointed by this. I hoped that he'd talk to me about this but I guess I was wrong. I really did have no one to talk with.

"Oh, I think it's better that I go than." I said standing up and whipping the dirt of my arse.

"No!" Aron said grabbing my wrist.

"What?" I asked maybe a bit to rude. I was glad that he ignored it.

"Maybe we can do something?" He proposed. I thought about it and maybe that wasn't a bad thing. Getting my mind of everything would be good for me. I knew Zayn didn't like it if I hanged out with Aron but Zayn thinks I was in the mall right now.

"If you answer one question for me."

"Fine." He said.

I knew he didn't want to talk about this. But why? Maybe I should wait until Zayn was ready to answer them himself. It wouldn't be fair if I tried to search the answers by questioning Aron. I was going to talk about this with Zayn.

"Will you drive us to the mall?"


I laughed loudly making everyone to turn around and look at us. My stomach was hurting by now.

Aron and I were currently sitting at the fountain eating some candy we bought in a shop. Aron just told me the lamest joke ever and I couldn't keep myself from laughing.

I slapped his arm playfully. "Never become a comedian."

He laid his hand on his heart dramatically. "My dreams are ruined." He said in a funny accent making me laugh even louder. He was quite good at it though.

"We should do this more." I said between laughs. He nodded agreeing.


"Come on," He said. "I will bring you home." He insisted and I agreed. I didn't feel like taking the bus now.

I took all my bags as we head towards the car. We bought quite much, but I kept looking at the price not wanting to waste Zayn's money. To my surprise it was already dark outside.

We drove in silent only our laughter heard when Aron started saying things about people we passed. This boy had some imagination and humor. I liked it how fun he was. I never laughed this much in a life time.

"Here we are!" He said smoothly as we stopped in front of the entrance of the house.

"I had a wonder full time. Thank you for that!" I gave Aron a quick peck on the cheek.

I didn't have any feelings for him, I thought about him as a best friend. It felt like I knew him for years.

I waved at Aron as he took off and he was gone.

I walked up the steps towards the front door and before I could take out my keys the door swung open. I was greeted by a mad looking Zayn. I knew stopping in front of the house wouldn't be smart.

"You were with him?" Zayn asked disgust lacing his voice.

"He also was at the mall. We thought that shopping together wouldn't be bad." I lied. I felt bad immediately. I hated lying to him but otherwise this could turn out in a huge fight again.

"I don't want you to see him." Zayn said crossing his muscular arms over his torso. I frowned.

"Why?" I asked. Why couldn't I see Aron?

"Because I say so." He snapped. "Can I have my bank card now?" He said extending his hand. I laid the card in it still a bit confused. I didn't like it when Zayn was like this.

He turned around but stopped when he saw I wasn't following him. He looked at me questionly but I remained silent, a scowl present on my face.

He sighed loudly and walked back towards me.

"C'mon baby don't be like this."

My heart fluttered at the word 'baby'.

"I'm sorry but I really don't want you around Aron. Just do it for me please?" He looked at me hopefully and I knew Zayn saw me kissing Aron's cheek. I knew he was the jealous type, but I understood it. I'd be the same if he did that with another girl. It wasn't a smart move from me.

"Okay." I gave in, eventhough I wasn't speaking the truth fully. Zayn smiled widely before pulling me in for a kiss.

"I have a surprise for you." He whispered in my ear.

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now