Chapter 26

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The weekend with my dad was a hell. He was drunk most of the time and the only thing I did is take care of him and wait for Zayn to send me a message... but it never came.

After packing my suitcase I go to say goodbye to my dad. He's still hung over so he just groans but eventually gives me a small hug after I had insisted on it. Eventhough he's a handful to take care, I still missed him deeply.

Being with the Malik's is nice to get my mind off of everything for a while. It gives me space to breath.

Then I realise that I don't have a ride back to the mansion. Maybe I should give Zayn a call?

I take my phone from my pocket and it takes a few rings before I hear his voice.

"Abigale?" He asks, sounding confused.

"Yeah, it is me. I'm coming back, but I don't have a ride so I thought that maybe you could come and get me?" I ask with a small smile gracing my lips.

That smile suddenly dissapears when I hear a female giggle in the background.

"Who was that?" I ask trying not to sound too jealous. As long as we're not officialy together I feel like I don't have the right to act jealous and possessive. It's not right.

"That was Safaa." He stumbles over his words sounding very nervous suddenly.


"It's Safaa." He repeats himself.

"No. I mean, can you pick me up?" I make myself clear and raise my eyebrows at the strange behaviour he's putting up.

"It's not a good time. I'm not home."


"But you were with Safaa?"

I'm so confused.

A beep is heard and when I look down at my phone I see that he has hung up on me.

I look gobsmacked at my phone. Did he really just do that? I'm a hundred percent sure that the giggle wasn't Safaa's and him hunging up just confirmed my suspicions.

Is that what he does when I'm not around? Look for company with others? I cringe at the thought and I can only hope Zayn is decent enough to at least don't do anything with others girls now we're in this strange situation.

I decide walking towards the mansion wouldn't hurt. Some fresh air would hopefully help me clear my head from the frustrations all caused by a certain dark haired boy with caramel eyes.


I press on the doorbell and seconds later a woman around the age of fifty opens the door for me. She gives me a kind smile.

"Hello. I'm Janice." She greets, extending her hand as I give it a shake.


"I'm the cleaning lady." She explains.

Wait, she finally healed? She has been sick for a month or so. I'm happy she's the one who'll do the cleaning now, eventhough I don't do a lot in the household here. Since Mrs. Malik started making more trips and not coming home, she also didn't put down notes for me anymore. She'll never know I didn't clean a lot. Janice is here now.

I walk inside as Janice closes the door behind me.

"Where are the girls?" I ask her politely.

"In the living room, I think."

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now