Chapter 16

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My eyes narrow when I see the girls and also some boys around him. Is this his group of friends? Is this his two days vacation or trip or whatever he decided to do. He's so close to home, but still he's staying somewhere else tonight. Where does he even stay?

"I'm going to the toilet." I tell Waliyha while still looking at Zayn, who seemed to be having a lot of fun.

"Fine." She says while she keeps scrolling through her phone.

I lied. I'm not going to the toilet. I wanna know more about this. But how am I supposed to know more when he's sitting there the whole time. I've gotta admit that it hurts to know he's with other girls, but that doesn't mean a thing, right?

It's like God heard me because the next moment they all stand up and walk towards the entrance of the swimming tubes. My expression turns into a scowl when I see how those girls literally throw themselves at Zayn. I was about to turn around the corner just like they did when someone runs into me causing me to fall.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath. I look at the guy and my eyes widen when I see Aron. Oh no, he's also a part of Zayn's group. I'm screwed.

"What? Abigale? What are you doing here?" He asks pulling me up.

"I've got to go." I stammer turning around and walking away. I've got to hide before Aron goes to tell on Zayn. Waliyha and Safaa will have to hide along. He's gonna think I'm some crazy stalker eventhough it was Safaa her idea so no one can blame me.



We walk towards the entrance of a random tube. Chelsea is constantly hanging onto me and it bothers me, but telling her would only provoke her. I know how she thinks.

"Zayn! Zayn! Wait!" A voice yells from behind. I turn around to see Aaron running towards me. I'm still mad at him for the hug he shared with Abigale.

"What?" I snap not really interested in what he has to say.

"I-It's Abigale, she's here." He says panting from running towards here. He's resting his hands on his knees.

"What?" I yell.

"I think she saw you." He says pointing towards the corner he just came from.

"Fuck." I murmur running past him and towards the corner. I directly feel some of the boys running behind me.

She's gonna think I'm cheating. No! No! One of our first days since everything went well between us and it's gonna be ruined. I curse once more when I see she isn't in the waiting lines anymore.

I run out of them through the entrance and I start looking behind.

No Abigale.

I've got to find her before she makes her own conclusions.



"Don't run." A swimming savior yells but I totally ignore him. I've got to get Waliyha into the water together with me and Safaa.

I see her laying there and I quickly run over to her.

"Waliyha you've got to come into the water, it's so nice." I say sweetly.

"No, I don't wanna go in there." She says stretching a bit.

"You get five pounds." I say.



"Deal." She stands up already walking towards the water and I follow her grabbing Safaa with me on our trail to get deeper. I'm glad Waliyha doesn't even asks for an explanation.

"Lets go under that there." I say pointing towards a mini bridge which is placed over the corner of the swim pool.

"As long as I get my ten pounds." She says and I nod.

We enter under the bridge and my heart beat starts getting normal again until I see Zayn walking there.He's wearing a long black swim short and you can perfectly see his art of piece aka tattooed body. He doesn't looks to happy though. Aaron and two other guys are following him. Shit. They're searching me.

"This is my sisters bag." Zayn says picking it up. He looks around and I quickly look down. Waliyha and Safaa are sort of behind me and from his point of view impossible to see.

"They didn't leave, Zayn, but why are you so mad?" Some blonde haired guy with braces.

"You don't understand." Zayn snaps going with his hand trough his hair.

"She saw me here with the girls. That's not good."He says looking nervously.

So he's mad because he's afraid I think he's cheating? Which is true, right? Why'd he otherwise have so much fun with those girls. Is this why he didn't agree to having a relationship. So he could mess around with other girls?

I didn't realize I was staring at him until our eyes meet. I quickly turn around but I'm too late. He saw me and is already running into the water. He dives under water and it only takes a few second until he's already in front of me.

"Zayn? What are you doing here?" Waliyha asks surprised at the sight of her brother.

"Abigale can I talk to you?" Zayn asks totally ignoring his sisters question.

"Niall, Harry and Aaron you guys take care of my sisters." Zayn demands and they all nod taking them away from me. I furrow my eyebrows at how they immediately did what Zayn asked.

"What?" I snap trying to hide how I felt from my voice.

"It's not what it looks like." He says touching my arm but I flinch away.

"That's a lame excuse." I answer.

"Let me explain." He begs.

"I don't think I've got an other option, right?" I ask and he nods.

"Those girls are also a part of my friend group. They're way too clingy but I don't want to tell them to avoid the drama. You know how girls can be. But I would never go behind your back now we're in a good place." He explains.

"I read otherwise in papers." I remark. His eyes flash in pain at my words but we both know it's the truth. Zayn is often a topic in papers and it's most of the time about him and his new girl. Every time another one.

"That's bullshit." He says madly.

"I don't know what to think about this Zayn."

"I know what I think." He says eyeing my bikini while playfully pulling on the strap. I slap him playfully on the shoulder.

"I really mean what I said." He says looking hopefully at my while putting his arms around my waist. I don't stop him. I should trust him right?

"Okay. Maybe I overreacted a bit." I admit hugging him.

"No, it was totally my fault I should've told you." He says hugging me back tightly. I look up and him just as he looks down at me. We lean in and our lips meet.

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now