Chapter 40

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I slowly zip the last suitcase close and wipe away a tear threatening to escape. After everything, it shouldn't be ending like this. Only two months ago my life was easy and not complicated at all, except for the problems I have with my dad. But now this summer a whole relationship developed that maybe shouldn't have developed at all.

But if somebody asked me, at this right moment, if I'd turn back time, I'd definitely say no.

The two months of misery, love and new feelings were worth it. Oh so worth it, but sadly enough way too short. I didn't even know it was possible to feel so much for someone after only two months of knowing them.

A soft knock comes from the outside of my door snapping me back to reality. I stand up, and open it. Waliyha is standing in front of me with tear-stained cheeks.

"Don't go." She silently pleads, wiping beneath her eyes. I open my arms as an invite for her to walk right into them. This makes leaving even harder. I don't want to leave Waliyha and Safaa behind, they've grown on me.

"I'll miss you so much."

For a few seconds, there's silence. Waliyha once again wipes her tears away. I've never seen her so vulnerable before, she always puts up this act of being tough and never getting hurt, but now I've got to know her I realised it couldn't be more wrong. She's got a vulnerable side, but still, she's one of the strongest people I know.

"Mum wants to see you downstairs." She sniffles quietly. I nod and release her from the bone-breaking embrace.

"Could you help me with the suitcases?"

She nods, still sniffling. I'd be lying if I said that I didn't felt the urge to bawl my eyes out right now. But that'd make everything harder for them and myself.

We head downstairs and place the suitcases in front of the door.

Mrs Malik is still in the living room. She's sitting on the couch, legs crossed and her head high. Just like always. I awkwardly knock on the wall trying to get her attention. Her head snaps to me and a tight fake smile comes onto her perfect face. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At the thought of Zayn I want to cry again, but I won't do that in front of his mother.

"Abigale." She nods towards the couch opposite of hers.

"You wanted to see me." I urge on, nervously fiddling with my hands in my lap. This woman is unpredictable.

"Oh yes. I know how hard it is to apply for college this of the year, with it almost starting and such. So, I called an acquaintance and they can get you in Oxford, but only if you want to of course." She raises her perfectly shaped eyebrow at me.

I look at her in shock. So many questions pop into my mind. Oxford is a university you've got to apply to, not just get into it by doing nothing. How is this possible? Why is she doing this for me?

"Abigale, do you want me to call him back and tell him that you accept the offer? He will contact you as soon as possible if you accept."

"Yes, of course! I'd love to." I won't see Zayn if I go there. The thought makes me sad, but the excitement of having a chance to go to Oxford wins right now.

"OK. I'll send you the details tonight. You can go now." She dismisses me with a wave of her hand. I nod, thanking her once again.

When I enter the hallway, I see Safaa, Waliyha and Doniya standing at the front door. When I reach them we all go in for a big hug. I'm going to miss these girls so badly. How I wish Zayn was here.

No! Stop thinking about him... Something inside me tells me that I should talk with him and explain that there's nothing going on between Aron and I, but I know it's too late. Zayn is way too stubborn.

"We called James to drive you to your house," Doniya says in between her sniffles.

"Hey," I say facing the three of them. I tightly hold onto Doniya's hand. "Don't cry. We'll see each other again. I promise it will be soon."

"You've got my phone number, call me whenever you want," Doniya says, pointing to the phone in her hand.

I nod my head. "I will, you've got to keep me updated, girls."

I open the front door to see James putting my last suitcase in the trunk.

I hug them all once again. 

"See you soon," I say trying to ease the pain I'm feeling. They all nod eagerly and I smile waving my last goodbye. James opens the door for me, helping me into the car as always.

While James begins to drive down the driveway, I lower the window and blow air kisses at my three favourite girls that I'll love forever.

"I will miss you, James." I smile at the man. "And not only because I enjoy being driven everywhere by someone." He chuckles and smiles at me through the rearview mirror.

"You're one of a kind, Abigale."


When we've arrived at my house, James unloads the trunk for me. I notice that my father isn't home yet. Where can he possibly be? Is this what he did during the period I was gone? Going out?

"Goodbye, James." I smile, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for helping me with all of this."

"Of course." He salutes, sliding into the driver's seat. He rolls down the window. "Oh, and remember Abigale, never change. Your personality is one to admire." He waves one last time before taking off.

How did I deserve these people in my life?

But now they're gone and I can feel the emptiness of being without them already. I push the thoughts to the side and go to my room. Luckily everything is still the same.

My back collides with the quite uncomfortable bed and I let out a soft groan. I'm not used to this anymore.

I sigh.

There's only one thought racing through my head now I'm alone in silence: Zayn.

I feel so stupid for not going after him, he was the reason for my happiness this summer, also for the sadness, but in this case, the good definitely made the bad look like nothing. I- there's a brief knock on the front door.

I frown, all the reasons why dad could be this late pop into my head. He probably doesn't even know that I came home. I don't blame him though, I also didn't know I'd be coming home this soon.

I open the door expecting my dad to stand in front of me drunk and hungover, but I'm totally caught by surprise when a pair of familiar lips press against mine and a pair of familiar hands push me up against the wall, closing the door behind him with his foot.


Dear readers, 

First of all: thank you. Thank you so much for the incredible support I've felt throughout this process. You gave my fifteen years old self something to be proud of.

That's why I present you: THE NANNY 2. 

Even though the book is currently under construction, I've decided to publish an author's note to give you the ability to add it to your library already.

See you there!

Lots of love,


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