Chapter 9

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This morning I wake up to yelling coming from downstairs. My feet immediately take me down the stairs as I figure out that the screaming is coming from the living room. Walking towards it I try to listen as closely as possible.

"You're such an ass! You just used me for sex?" A high voice shrieks making my eardrums almost rip. I'm surprised by the hate dripping from her voice.

"Just leave." Zayn's voice says calmly as always. He always sends out this 'I don't care' vibe, which doesn't help with calming her down.

"Never talk to me again, you jerk!" She screams, by now I know it's Perrie. Which I should've known directly.

I hear footsteps coming closer and I quickly walk back to the stairs and try to act like I just woke up. She walks past me sending me a deadly angry glare before slamming the door shut behind her. I stare at the door for a moment, thinking about how this could be a scene from a movie.

I walk to the living room where Zayn is lying on the couch casually watching TV as if nothing had happened. His eyes meet mine and they travel down my body shamelessly. A cheeky smile appears on his face. I look down to see myself only in the shortest pyjama shorts and a tank-top. I mentally curse myself for picking this. How could I forget?

"Hot." He murmurs under his breath while turning his attention back to TV. My cheeks start to warm up at his words.

"What happened with Perrie?" I ask carefully, ignoring his comment. He looks up and turns off the TV with the controller. He stands up slowly and saunters over towards where I'm standing, leaning against the doorframe. When he's in front of me he leans down until I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

"I'm not gonna tell you, sugar." He whispers in my ear. I shiver at the sound of his voice and the warmth of his breath. As I compose myself I frown at his answer.

"Why?" I ask pushing him away by placing my hands on his chest. I directly let them fall back at my sides when he's a few inches further.

"Why do you want to know?" He argues back.

"Because you two woke me up by yelling this whole house together. I deserve an explanation." I make my point before crossing my arms over my chest. I know this is a private thing between them, but my curiousness is taking over my rational thinking.

"No." He answers turning around to walk back to the couch. But before he could do so I grab his wrist and turn him back around. I'm amazed at how easy that went.

"Tell me." I demand standing my ground. His brown eyes stare into mine intensly making me feel uncomfortable. I try to look away, but something about his gaze makes me wanting to keep looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Just tell-"

Once again he cuts me off by pushing his lips on mine. I'm shocked at how he uses this once again to escape from having to talk. Sure enough I did the thing I shouldn't be doing. I kiss him back. I'll regret this.

He lays his arms around my waist and I place mine around his neck. These minutes feel like heaven as our lips move in sync. A strange feeling brews in the pit of my stomach.

He pulls back giving me a wink before turning around and sitting down on the couch again.

It's silent for a few seconds and I don't dare to ask about this.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I ask breaking the awkward silence and needing an excuse to get out of this room.

"I don't care." He answers simply not looking away from the TV.

"Okay." I turn on my heel and walk towards the kitchen.

What did just happen? Why did I kiss him back? What is this kiss going to do with us?

Was there even an us?

This is all so confusing. I'm going to ask him later, but first I should start making breakfast before Safaa and Waliyha wake up.


"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked placing the plates in the sink. We all just finished our lunch.

"Can we ride our horses? You can lend mum her horse. We have a forest a bit away from here." Safaa said giving me a puppy face. This girl and horses that was quite the relationship.

"Fine." I said, But it came out more like a question. I did ride a horse before but it has been some time ago.

"Yay! I'm gonna get Waliyha and Zayn." She said running away to what I thought was the living room.

A moment later Waliyha and Zayn came walking in. When I saw him something in my stomach gave me a strange feeling. I tried to ignore it.

"Where is Safaa?" I asked looking around.

"She's dressing in her ride outfit." Waliyha explained.

"I'm also gonna dress than. Everyone here in ten?" I asked.

They nodded and we all separated to our rooms. I was exited to ride again. When I was younger I did it as my hobby but I stopped when we got money problems and mum died. She also could ride a horse, she was very good actually. I walked into my room and directly went to my closet.

I took out a skinny jeans and a sweater. This will do. I put it on and then threw my hair in a pony tail.

When I arrived downstairs everyone was already there.

"Mum her boots are there." Safaa said pointing towards the hall which led to the backyard. I went there to put them on. We all walked outside and towards the stable.

"That's yours." Waliyha pointed towards a beautiful brown horse. It was big. We all walked towards their horses. Zayn helped Safaa on hers. Is this even safe letting her ride such a huge horse?

I thought she did it before so I was not gonna start a fight by saying she couldn't plus Zayn was here. If she never did it they would've already told me.

Everyone sat on their horse and I also climbed on it after saddling the horse. They did it fast. Zayn had a black one ,Waliyha a white and Safaa a light brown.

They turned their horses around so they were facing the exit. I did the same and then we gave them a light kick with the feet and the horses started walking.

This was been a long time. We went onto a field. Safaa and Waliyha in the front and Zayn and I behind them. Maybe this was the right time to ask him about the kiss. I was sure Waliyha and Safaa couldn't hear us.

"Zayn?" I asedk but it came out more like a whisper yell.

"What?" He asked. That sounded rude.

"About that kiss-"

"That was nothing. You wouldn't stop talking so I just kissed you it was the first thing coming into my mind. Who would? Be happy I'd kiss you I bet I was the only one." He said chuckling to himself.


That hurt. I felt the tears coming up and then again I did what helped the most. Run away from my problems. I turned the horse and gave it a few kicks making it run fastly.

Why was he like this?

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