Chapter 20

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"Zayn! Abigale! Where are you guys?"

We pulled back from the heated make out session just the moment that our bedroom door opens. It was Safaa who came in and walks over to our bed. She started jumping on it.

"What were you guys doing?" She asked between jumps. Zayn and I looked at each other for a moment trying to decide who should take the word. I nodded my head at him saying that he should explain.

"Nothing." Zayn said. I rolled my eyes at him. What did I even thought he would've said? 'We made out.' He would've never said that.

"Oh okay!" She said. "Can we go to the beach?" She asked. I looked at Zayn who nodded.



I laid down on the big towel. It was so warm here. I was already sweating so much.

Waliyha was listening to music while tanning. Zayn watched Safaa play in the sea.

But soon she came running over to us. I grabbed a towel from my bag and did it around her when she sat between me and Zayn.

"Can we get some ice cream?" She asked, I think it was the third time since we were here.

With puppy dog eyes she looked at Zayn who finally couldn't resist them.

After asking us the flavours he walked towards the ice cream shop with was at the coast so he had to walk a bit. Safaa took off again playing in the sand close to the water.

I was laying on my stomach for what seemed a few minutes when some water dripped on my back. I looked up and there stood a tall blonde handsome guy with Safaa.

I quickly straightend up grabbing Safaa into my lap scared that something had happened. "Are you alright?" I ask and she nods.

"This girl is here with you?" The life guard asked. You could hear his Greece accent. He probably knew I was English because he talked to Safaa.

"Yes, did she do something?" I asked.

"She went to swim on her own. You should keep an eye on her, she's quite the swimmer." He laughed. My eyes widened in shock as I had realised I didn't keep an eye on her the whole time. Award for the worst nanny goes to me.

I smiled at him thankfully that he got her. "Thank you. I'll watch out next time." I said. He returned the smile telling me it was no big deal.

"What are you three ladies doing here?" He continued the conversation. Safaa giggled at the word 'ladies'. She was too cute.

"Oh, I'm here with someone." I said pointing towards the directoin Zayn left in.

"Alright. I'll join you until he's back." The life guard insisted.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I said referring to his job as a life guard but he cut me of not answering.

"I'm Alcander." He said extending his hand as he was still standing in front of me.

"I'm Abigale." I said shaking his hand.

"Pretty name for a pretty lady." He winked.

I smiled at the sweet compliment.

"So what are you Britain's doing here?" He asked.

"On a vacation. It was actually a surprise vaction from the person I mentioned." I said.

"And where's is that person now?" He asked. It was like he didn't believe me. I was about to answer but someone cut me off.

"Right behind you."

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now