Chapter 18

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"Mum where are we going?"

"We're going on a little vacation."

"But why isn't dad here than?"

"You'll understand when you're older."

"I'm old enough to know mum, please."

"Not yet, baby." She looks over at me with a sympathetic smile as she takes my hand in hers. I look at the road.

"Mum! Mum! Muuuuuum!"

My eyes snap open and I directly sit up. l feel the sweat on my forehead and body. My heart is beating rapidly in my chest as I try to compose myself. Why did we torture ourselves with nightmares of the things we wanted to forget?

I'm not aware of the tears running down my cheeks until I feel one rolling onto my lip. I furiously wipe them away. Suddenly I notice a person sitting on the edge of my bed. Zayn.

"What are you doing here?" I exclaim as what had happened yesterday came back to me. I look down at my wrists and even in the dark I could see they are lightly bruised.

"What is that?" Zayn asks avoiding my question. He tries getting a look of my wrists but I hide them under the sheets.

"Nothing." I answer silently.

"Let me see." He demands giving me a stern look.

"Zayn, it's really nothing." I murmur not daring to meet his eye. Eventhough he had hurt me yesterday I knew it wasn't his intention. Being under influence did terrible things to people as I had experienced it enough with my dad. I did not want Zayn to blame himself, but I know we need to talk about it. Just not now.

"Why are you here?" I repeat myself hoping for an answer now.

"I heard you talking and then you started screaming. I came to check on you." He answers but since he sleeps in the basement hell I know he didn't speak the truth. I observe Zayn closely seeing a pained look on his face. I pat the spot next to me and he obliges.

I know this isn't the right thing to do since what is going on between him and Perrie but I will always have a weak for him. I just want him to feel better as I could see he was torturing himself with something.

We both lay down on our backs looking up at the ceiling.

"What was it about?" He asks turning his head in my direction. I look back at him, surprised by how bright his eyes looked even in the dark.

"About what was what?" I ask confused.

"The nightmare." He explains himself as my mouth forms an oh.

"My mum." I whisper, not sure if I wanted to have this conversation.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" No. But maybe I need to talk about it.

"I don't know."

"What happenend to her?" Zayn asks carefully.

"She had a car accident."

"How did it happen?" I gulp not expecting this question. What would he think of me if he knew?

"Because of me." I whisper wiping away another tear that threatened to roll down my cheek. "It happened because of me. If I didn't ask so much questions she wouldn't be dead now, my dad wouldn't be an alcoholic and my life would be totally different." I ramble, actually feeling relieved now I had finally said it. Zayn puts his arm around my waist pulling me closer into his chest.

The Nanny - Zayn Malik | ✓Where stories live. Discover now