Chapter 1: Beginnigs

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When I was young I lived with my sister Tatsuki, she was about 10 years old when it happened. We were orphans since our parents died before we knew them. She had brown eyes and this jet black hair that always stood out from all other people, since most people in our village had white or blue hair because of a hereditary trait common in our village. She always wore the same clothing: a white shirt, a black vest, and a skirt. But she never wore shoes because Tatsuki said they were "stupid". She also carried around a wooden sword that was like a long sword. She is very stubborn and tomboyish, always doing things her own way instead of getting help from others.

I was more calm and less stubborn when it came to work. I liked helping around the village, it was a common small village called Kuroban. I had bright blue hair and eyes, I always wore a black jacket and pants. We were always in need of money since we didn't have parents and jobs were limited around the place. Oddly enough, we didn't have any picture of our parents, or anything of them in the house. But every time we asked people about our parents the only thing they said about them was that the were good people. Which I guess that was the only thing we needed to know about them. We are family, we are happy.

I was having a good dream about food. I mumbled about it in my sleep from time to time. then I heard something. " Hey, wake up...", which was weird but I ignored it and continued enjoying my dream. But I heard it again " Wake. UP!" and next thing I knew I was in my room upside down.

"Huh?" I said, turning my self upright on my bed. I turned around and saw my sister with her arms crossed. "What?" I said stretching out my arms into the air.

"Its's time to wake up" said Tatsuki, " It's already morning dummy", I responded with a yawn.

"It is?", I said as well. "Yes!, now come downstairs to get your breakfast." she said, going down the stairs into the kitchen.

As I began to get dressed, I noticed it was a day with blue, clear skies. I smiled. I know something is going to happen today... Also, I realized I have a small room: one small bed, one window, a mirror the size of my body, and a drawer.I went down the stairs to find a piece of bread on my plate with a piece of cheese and ham, a sandwich. "Really?" I moaned. " Is that all there is for today's breakfast?" I moaned again. Tatsuki look at me with menacing eyes and said " If you dont want we could throw it away...". Every time she looks at me with those eyes, I feel like a demon is staring at me. " No, its fine I like sandwiches, so dont worry, he, he, he..." I replied shoving the sandwich down my throat."Hey!,dont shove it down, savor it dammit!" Tatsuki said hitting me in the head with sword. When she did that, I had already swallowed down the sandwich. And said " Thanks for the meal" bowing my head at her. She blushed...

"Hey, do you know what day it is?" Tatsuki asked after getting over her embarrassment. "Hmm.. is it, um... I have no idea, sorry..." I replied embarrassingly, with my right hand on my head. " IDIOT!" She banged me in the head again with her sword. " The heck was that for?!" " Its your birthday you moron. I swear you forget about it every time!" She said crossing her arms in a rude manner. " I did not forget, I was just testing you." I replied but I was thinking: " Oh crap, it really is my birthday!, I'll just play along pretending I knew..."

" You do know you're a bad liar right? I see it in your face."

"What, No..." I said hiding the fact that did forget.

Our argument continued on for a while until we heard a large explosion. " What was that?" Tatsuki exclaimed. She looked out the window and froze."What is it?", I said but she remained still. And when I went to look I saw that our village was in danger, it was under attack. Tatsuki ran towards her room while I stayed and look at the destruction being caused. It was by magic obviously since I saw lightning, flames, and what appeared to be acid or sludge coming from the destruction. To me magic was used to help people not to cause misery to others. I... needed to do something about this.

" We have to leave. Now." Said Tatsuki with a giant bag on her back.

" Wait, we're leaving?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do but run and survive." She said to me in a stern way.

" But, we need to help!" I responded. She grabbed me.

" I we don't survive, we wont be able to help any one now will we?" Tatsuki responded pulling me towards some part of the house I never knew about.

"Wait , we have a basement?" I said. "Yeah,but it's only for emergencies" She replied opening the basement door and pushing me inside.

" Wait, can't we bring someone else here?", Tatsuki thought and said " I wish we could but... there's no time." As she said that she closed the door behind us...

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