Chapter 3: Dagna the Elemental Dragon

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I didn't wake up for a long time. Tatsuki digged me up from the wreckage of the building that fell on top of me. " How bad is it?" I asked in a cheery tune. Tatsuki nodded, she was crying, " Well besides you being crushed by a building and surviving I say that you're okay." The baby was sleeping for a while now. I didn't look closely before but the baby was wrapped in white cloth and had this clear blue hair. I tried getting up from the debris but I couldn't for some reason, something was pulling on my right arm. When I looked, the pain set in. There was a bunch of debris on my arm so I couldn't move. I was screaming until Tatsuki muffled my screams. "Try not to wake Yoshino up." She said looking at the baby. I confusedly responded " Wait, who is Yoshino? The baby?" " Yes ya dolt, try to keep up." There was still friendly banter, so I was going to survive. I need to.

There was a loud thud somewhere in the village. Tatsuki grabbed the baby that began to cry because she woke up. Tatsuki asked me. " Are you sure that there were only 3 bandits? ", " Yeah, Im pretty sure there were only 3 even though they were already killed... The last one I'm not sure why..." The thudding increased in loudness and speed. It almost seemed like the large thudding was coming towards us. Then it stopped. We were freaked out. We were afraid of what would happen. Then a giant lizard looked at where we were and opened it's mouth and words came out " Are you okay? " Then I looked a lot closer I saw that that lizard had wings that resembled that of an angel's. It was a dragon that talked to us. Yoshino stopped crying. I guess it was because of the dragons female calm voice. " Uh no, my brother's arm is stuck under all this rubble." Tatsuki kneeled down and begged for her to help me. The dragon looked at me and said " There's no need to beg, I love helping humans". The dragon began to remove the rubble from on top my arm. I thanked her as she removed the rubble. " Oh no..., there's a problem." Said the dragon as she removed the final piece of rubble. " What's the problem" I asked worriedly. I looked at my right arm but... I didn't see anything. My arm was gone. The pain set in , it was too gruesome to look so Tatsuki made the baby look at her so she wouldn't have to look at my missing arm. The dragon look at me for a while and tried to touch my arm socket. " I have a proposition for you." I looked at the dragon for a while and asked what exactly did she mean by proposition. First she told me her name: Dagna the Elemental Dragon and then she told me " If you become a dragon-slayer I might be able to give you a new arm "

I was surprised at hearing those words, and looked at what's left of my arm: a puddle of blood. And I thought about Tatsuki and Yoshino. What would become of them? And I asked " Is it possible for Tatsuki and Yoshino to come with us?" The dragon thought for a long time looking at Tatsuki and Yoshino. The dragon said " Okay, but this first part may hurt a little bit." The dragon began to use magic on my arm socket. I felt pain for a few minutes but then a blue dragon arm appeared from the empty arm socket. The scales were as hard as diamonds. But I still couldn't move my arm. " Why can't I feel my arm, or move it?" I asked trying to move the arm.

The dragon thought for a minute. " There is a chance that when you lost your arm, you also lost a lot of blood so you can't use your dragon arm just yet. " You need more blood, so I guess I'll just have to give you some of mine." Again I am shocked at the sound of those words. She began to bite her arm and a bucket sized blood drop fell on my dragon arm. It didn't do anything for a while but after a while the arm started to absorb the blood and I could move it atlast. I bowed down and thanked her for the new arm. She told me not to think about it too much. And to follow her. Tatsuki  followed me with Yoshino into a new life that awaited us living as the son and daughter of a dragon.

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