Chapter 7: Hawk vs Xavier

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Before long I realized that Hawk had brought me towards a large area of grass. 

" Here, a perfect place for a brawl." Hawk said." Wouldn't you agree?"

" You still piss me off. " I replied in an angry tone.

I looked back to see Natsu and the others looking at me as I was about to fight. Erza looked a bit suspicious of something. Hawk said that the only thing I had to do was beat him. Nothing wrong with that. I guess. The only thing near us were a few trees and bushes. Hawk then began to talk.

" Okay, simple rules : No outside help." He said. " And no cheating." He seemed to be bit paranoid about stuff like that. Yeah, like I'm gonna cheat. He started to back off. I was a bit worried about what he would do. He didn't seem trustworthy. I didn't care. I was gonna kick his ass for pissing me off and interrupting our meal. He pulled out his gun and pointed to the sky.

He shot his gun into the sky to signal the fight's beginning.

I began run at him. Water covered my right arm as I ran towards him and I shouted " Water Dragon's Tidal Fist!" as I punched him a few feet back.

He didn't seem fazed at all.  He began to draw his pistol. Out of instinct I summoned a stone wall from the ground to protect me using my magic. He began to shoot wildly. I couldn't see him but I could tell that he was getting closer.

I began to wrap water around my arms and punched the ground with both my fists. Water cover the grass around us before turning into ice." Ice Make Floor!". The grass around me began to freeze as did a huge amount of grass around me. I jumped up the wall. I saw that Hawk didn't expect that. I was glad. I turned my head to where the others were. Grey looked surprised to see me use Ice Maker magic. I smiled and turned back to Hawk. He was still slipping on the ice.

He raised his arm and shouted " Flame Shooter! " as he summoned a flame thrower from his left arm that raised and began to burn the ice around him. I was a bit surprised. I said " Okay...  How about Sky Dragon's Roar! ". I breathed a whirlwind from my mouth that was pointed at Hawk. He jumped back so he wouldn't get hit and then with his right arm he pointed at me and shouted out " Lightning Shooter!" He summoned some sort of Lightning type of gun and it began to charge.

I was still mid air which made me an easy target.  "What now?! I'm gonna get fried "

I thought to myself. I began to fall. Uh Oh. I had to think of something really quickly. Then I had it. Hawk shot his lightning gun and it was aimed at me. I put my hand together as if I was holding a ball and closed my eyes. Wind began to form inside the space between my hands as a little sphere. The lightning reached me.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed out in pain. Smoke formed around me .

Hawk was laughing out loud. He thought he was winning. When the smoke cleared I was standing there completely burnt out as if I had been fried. I still had my little wind sphere surrounded by some lightning. I smiled.

 I smiled

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