Chapter 10: Shinrin and Zero : The Lost Spirits

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I still confused by the girl with the hat in front of me. She was using some magic; still don't know what kind it is though, probably will ask later; she was making a chair out of a tree that was nearby. It was incredibly detailed. A dark oak chair. The elf guy was still staring a me for some reason. Then I realized why: I was not wearing my shirt or jacket and was half-naked with my dragon wings still out. So I stood up and put on my shirt and jacket as my wings shrank into my back. Still felt a bit chilly though.

The elf had a black vest, a black scarf, black hair, black pants with a yellow trim on the top. And long sleeve gloves that covered his arms with at yellow trim at the beginning. Jeez this guy loves black doesn't he? He also has a katana sustained by his belt. And yellow piercing eyes.

" Aren't you gonna sit?" asked the girl with a childish smile

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" Aren't you gonna sit?" asked the girl with a childish smile.

"Okay?" I responded as I walked toward the chair and sat on it. Surprisingly comfortable, my tail wasn't stumped by anything. Then the girl made three more chairs like mine and made a dark oak table with another tree nearby. Again, surprisingly detailed. And the elf, the girl, and Minako sat in the round dark oak table. 

" Zero, could you please make some tea for us, please?" the girl asked. 

I'm guessing Zero is the elf, no idea if I'm right or wrong.

He stood up and bowed. And said a measly okay. He went to the back of tree. I couldn't see whatever he was doing. Maybe making tea or... something. The girl was staring at me with her elbows on the table. Creepy. I tried not to make contact, but I couldn't resist looking at her deeply into her orange red eyes. Minako was just sitting there looking at us.

" So" said the girl." Have you thought about the contract business? "

Arghh. Again with this? Aw crap, where the hell is everyone else. It feels like I'm being interrogated or something. Please Help!

The others... 3rd person view...

Erza and the others were still flying around the forest, probably lost or something.

" Argh! Where the hell are we?! It feels like we've been here for hours!" Natsu shouted out as he flew above the trees with Happy.

" It doesn't make any sense. We should have found Xavier hours ago, even with Natsu's nose." said Erza as she began to slow down a bit. She was trying to get a hold of her surroundings. All there was around them were trees and grass. Virgo stopped and let Lucy back into  the ground. Tatsuki let Yoshino into the ground as she landed next to Grey. 

" Thanks Virgo" said Lucy as she waved her ket at her.

" Anytime Princess" responded Virgo as she disappeared back into the Celestial World.

" It's not my fault I can't pick up Xavier's scent. It's this forest there are too many smells for me to keep track of in this place." Said Natsu angrily with his arms crossed.

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