Chapter 2: Dark Guild

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It was hours after the attack on the village, Tatsuki and I were still hiding in the basement I never knew about.  Now that I think about it, why didn't I know about the basement?. But every time I mentioned it she always told me that if I knew about this place I probably would have turned into my room. Which I guess Tatsuki was right.

After the noises stopped, we decided to get out of the basement. But sadly, when we got out the house was almost completely destroyed, the rooms were robbed and burnt down, there were shreds of clothing and other stuff everywhere. Tatsuki grabbed me by the hand and said " Okay let's go ". She dragged me across the destroyed town, but all I saw were destroyed houses that smelled funny. After looking around i asked Tatsuki " Where are we going, aren't we gonna help the survivors?". Tatsuki didn't respond, she kept dragging me across the village.

Then, there was crying. Loud crying in fact. We stopped running, and were looking around. "Where is that crying coming from?" I asked. Tatsuki looked at me and said" Well now that we're safe, lets help the survivors!". I smiled, and said " About time ". We went towards the sound of crying. " Oh shut up already, Lightning Blade!". There was a shout and then when we look up to the sky, lightning had struck down where we were headed. We stopped and I thought: "Maybe there is a way that he had survived". I said " We have to go there, maybe he survived ". Tatsuki hit me in the head. " The heck was that for?! " I shouted at her. " I never said we weren't going to help". She smiled as we headed towards the sounds of crying.

When we got to where the crying came from we found a baby crying. But where's her mother?, was  the only thing that  came to mind. Then I smelled something weird, and when I turned, I saw a person burnt to a crisp. " Could that be her mother? " I asked crouching down, trying to touch it. I was shocked, literally. There was lightning shocking me from the body. Tatsuki picked up the baby, surprisingly the baby was fine and unharmed. Tatsuki began to cry as she put the baby next to her. She can't stand the pain of being to late to help someone. I began trying to console her. "The baby's fine but we need to- ". I heard laughter. I told Tatsuki to hide and wait for the people to go away. She hid in a bunch of rubble in the house. I hid near the laughter in concrete and burnt wood.

" Looks like the orb isn't here", " Dammit, I guess we'll have to look some where else.", " No, we've looked long enough, lets call it a day". That's what I heard. but when I looked, there were 3 men talking. One was fat and short, one was tall and skinny, and the last one was smoking and had a scar on his left eye, looked middle aged with a black jacket. The middle aged man was complaining about something, I couldn't hear very well: " I could have destroyed this village a long time ago, I don't see why you stopped me from using my acid on the whole village.". Then before the fat man could speak the middle aged man screamed out " Acid Ball" as a ball of acid shot from the man's hand into the fat man. He screamed for a while and turned into a puddle. " Why?!, he was your friend Jet!", shouted the tall man as  he took out his long sword and lunged at the acid man. But before it could hit him, the acid man jumped out of the way and shot the tall man with a boulder sized acid ball. There was screaming once again. The man was no longer there.

Then the middle aged man screamed out " DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT I WAS GOING TO SHARE THE REWARD WITH YOU FOOLS, ALL I NEEDED YOU FOR WAS TO DESTROY THIS VILLAGE!!!!". The man didn't even care about his comrades, he just used them as a way to do what he wanted. As the man began to walk, he discarded a purple-ish ball he had in his jacket.     "Don't even need this any more". The man began to laugh hysterically raising his hands into the air. When he did that he showed a symbol that looked like a moon or an eclipse in his arm. The man eventually got up and walked towards the exit but something happened. He stepped on some weird ground that bounced him into the sky and a powerful beam of magic hit the man so brutally that the man disappeared. I looked in horror as the men killed each other, for no reason... just for fun...

Tatsuki got out from her hiding spot and asked me what happened. And I told her. "Wow, that's harsh, all of this just so he could destroy the village." Tatsuki was shocked. And to be frank so was I. We walked towards the exit of the village but then something unexpected happened. A house collapsed on top of us before we got out. And I did the only thing I knew would save Tatsuki and the baby... I jumped out to save them and I was crushed instead. The next thing I knew, I passed out from being crushed by rubble...

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