Chapter 18: Strategem

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Imagine that this is like the theme song for this adventure of Fairy Tail. This whole music idea was from the  Dragonwriter. It's called StopRewind.

Xavier's POV

I was still flying in front of the Titan. I looked back and saw everyone but Tatsuki, Yoshino and Zero completely shocked. Not surprising to them. But I have no idea how I did it. Luck? Probably. I looked at the Titan head on. I realized something weird. I felt... powerful. More powerful than ever actually... could this be what Dagna was talking about? Dragon Force? No... something's still missing...

" Ho-ho-how? How did you manage to survive an Abyss Break?!" shouted Randy from within the Titan.

" Um, two words... first on: moron. Second one: stupid. " I said mocking him. " Did you really think that hitting an ELEMENTAL DRAGON SLAYER with ELEMENTAL MAGIC was your best move? That just shows how much of an idiot you are!"

Jeez I am stepping a line I never thought I would reach.

" Anyway. You're annoying so... PISS OFF!" I shouted as I dived towards the ground.

" Elemental Conversion: Earth!" I shouted. My hands glowed with earth magic. " Now let's stop you." I kept getting closer to the ground.

" Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Broken Earth: 7th Obelisk!" I shouted as I landed forcefully on the ground. I forced my magic through the ground. I could feel the earth around us. The grass, the trees, the breathing off my friends. Now! The earth began to shake. All trees and grass was beginning to separate. Almost as if the earth itself wanted to fight and it did. From the earth came immense stone pillars with pointy tips. They were headed right for the Titan. The first two penetrated the Titan's shoulders easily leaving it without any offence. The other two came from under the Titan's feet and were also penetrated.

" Get ready" I shouted to the team behind me. The ground shook underneath us. The same pillars came from below us raising us into the sky. The others were still in the building so they were still on top of Hunter's Land Base. " Because here we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The pillars then bent forwards towards the Titan quite quickly actually. The air was rushing right through my wings. Erza quickly ran next to me trying to hold on to the ground. " You do realize that we are going right towards the Titan right?!" shouted Erza.

" I know... I'm using these obelisks as battering rams!" I said smiling.  Her eyes went blank with surprise." You might want to use your adamantine armor now. Protect the others."

" What about you?" asked Erza.

" I'll be fine. I hope. Just go." I said. She left to go to the others. " Let's go! 7th OBELISK!"

The ground shook more violently than ever before. The ground behind the Titan then split slowly in half. And from that crack came an obelisk bigger than the rest, just as big as the Titan. It stood right behind him And it was also headed right for the Titan. It was so big in fact it actually pushed the Titan forward towards us.

" Prepare for impact!" I shouted to the others. They were well behind Erza's shield. We were ready.

But before we did the Titan's hands waved somehow and were glowing with magic.

" Barrier!" shouted Randy from inside the Titan. Then a blue barrier force field appeared from the Titan's hands. It somehow also broke the two obelisks in it's shoulders with the barrier. But I was still headed right for it.

After a while of screaming, we finally hit it! We were putting the Titan between a rock and a hard place. I could hear all of the machinery trying it's best to work. We were making a dent in the barrier. I guess to much force does break things. one of the obelisks broke through, where the others were. I saw it collide with the lower half of the Titan's torso. But before it did I saw the guy get off the obelisk and joined me in mine. Akira approached me.

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