Chapter 12: Black Soul

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I heard faint voices. They were maybe... two men. I could tell by the tone. But I couldn't tell what the heck were they saying. The voices were really close. I couldn't move. I started to wiggle a bit. I heard chains with my wiggling. I was probably tied up with chains. I couldn't tell. Then those men walked away. So I decided to open my eyes .

I yawned. " Good morning?" I muttered as I woke up.

My arms were tied up with chains. I could barely move. I was lying on the ground. I looked around in the jail cell. Grimy, dark, cold, and old. Just like many good ol jail cells. I kept looking around and found Shinrin and Zero. They were unconscious. I kept looking around; a bed. Dirty. But a bed. Straight up in the middle of the cell.

" Huh." I said. I stood up still in chains and got closer to the bed. It has some blood on it.

Maybe... someone had a bad day? I thought hopefully.

I started to see a little blurry for some reason.

" Arg... not again. This stupid thing is getting annoying." I complained as I got something out of my pockets. It was a small case thing.

I opened it and sprinkled a bit of the water inside to my eyes using my tail. I started to see better.

I need to get my eyes fixed.

I then sat next to the sleeping Zero and Shinrin. They were fine. They didn't seem to be in pain. So I was a bit relieved. And I sat next to them. About to take a nap. But before I did, Shinrin woke up.

" Oh, you're okay!" I said.

Whew. She's okay.

She slowly looked at her surroundings. Then finally reaching me.

" Master! You're okay!" Exclaimed Shinrin as she threw herself to me. She was still tied up though.

" Whoa! You okay?" I asked her.

I felt something wet in my chest. I separated Shinrin from my chest to see what it was. They were tears. Tears of Shinrin. She was crying.

" Hey, you are okay... right?" I asked Shinrin. She sniffed and cried a bit.

" Y-yeah... it's that... it's our job to help you and protect you as your familiars. But at the first minute of our job, we failed miserably and are now in a jail cell. I'm so sorry!"

She still cried. She didn't stop. Then I hugged her with my tail for a bit.

Kinda awkwardly.

" It's not your fault. Or anyone's fault. Stuff like this can happen at anytime to anyone, okay? So don't blame yourself. Okay?" I told her reassuringly.

She nodded. Then her eyes widened.

" Um Xavier?" She said.

" Yeah?" I responded.

" You're eyes. They're a bit like... slits." Said Shinrin.

Amazing how only now, she notices.

" Yeah. I've had to use this email things for a long time. They help me see better, but don't worry my eyes will heal soon enough." I told her smiling.

" Okay but Mas- " She said before being interrupted by a noise.

I listened in. Footsteps. And they were getting closer.

I saw 2 armored men walked next to our jail cell. They both had black armor. And long spears.

" Stand up. Our master wants to see you now." Said one of the men.

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