Chapter 4: Fairy Tail

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I woke up. There was a grown up version of Tatsuki standing in front of me in a seat of a train. It's been years since Dagna disappeared just like every other dragon in the magic world. And what's odd is that they all left in the same day. When Dagna left the only thing left that we found was a dragon scale; a rainbow colored dragon scale. So I decided to make a sword out of it, apparently the scale was harder than a diamond. I turned into a rainbow glistening katana with a black sheath I made with some stone I found. It is he last thing we have of Dagna, I always have it on my back. I started to stretch out since all my muscles were cramped up. I was 18 by the time we were here. I wore a dark blue hoddie with a black and red outline shirt, and some black pants and shoes and a black glove on my right arm since I didn't want to scare people away because of my dragon arm.. Tatsuki was looking off into the distance through the window of the train. She wore a black vest, a white t-shirt, shadow grey shorts, and sandals; even though I still forced her to wear them...

" Where are we going Tatsuki?" said a familiar voice coming next to me. I looked and saw Yoshioka all grown up. She was about 10 years old, she still had those emerald green eyes and clear blue hair. She had this big straw hat on her head, a white dress and sandals. Tatsuki responded " Did you already forget?, we're going to another town since we need money" She always gave direct answers. I felt a bit uncomfortable for a minute, then I realized that my tail was in a very weird position pointing upwards. I grew a tail because of the dragon blood coursing through my veins, it is the same color as my dragon arm.

Hours later

We finally made it into the train station. It was lively. The town' name was Magnolia. Apparently its had the best wizard guild in all of Fiore. We started to go around the town looking for a place to sleep. We passed many vendors and people. It was a very happy town. We eventually found a nice apartment with 3 beds, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room. Pretty much everything we needed. And affordable too. We talked to landlady, who was a bit short. She was very strict with her rules but we followed them. " This is our new home." I said confidently. I hugged both Yoshino and Tatsuki; we were happy.

Then we heard a girlish scream coming from an apartment above us. When I went to the window next to the bedroom, I saw 3 people falling down the apartment. One looked like a dude with pink hair, another looked like a blue cat, and the last one looked like a... half naked man. They ran off somewhere, and when I looked up I saw a blonde screaming at those 3. I decided to completely ignore that event and went towards a guild hall that was near the place. I asked Tatsuki to buy some food with Yoshioka but she didn't want to so she ended up coming with me. After a while we were at the entrance of the guild. I was nervous, but that wasn't going to stop me. There was a sign in front of the guild hall and it said : Fairy Tail.  We decided to go in.

It was a mad house inside, many people were fighting for some reason. Others were eating. And others were drinking. A silver haired girl came up to us and asked us in what could she help us with. " I want to join this guild, seems like a lot of fun, also what's your name? " She told me her name was Mirajane. She asked " Okay, but before you join, please tell me your name and magic ". And I answered " The name's Xavier and I'm a dragon slayer "

The entire guild went silent as everyone in the guild stared at me as if being a dragon slayer was weird. " Um... is there something wrong? Everyone's staring at  me." I became a tad nervous.

She explained that dragon slayer magic was really a rare type of magic. I sighed " Is that why everyone's staring at me? ". She nodded.  " Or it could be because of the tail..." Then I realized that everyone was not staring at me, but at my tail.

Then another fight broke out and the silence was filled with the noise of laughter and fighting. Then a short old man came up to us. " So another dragon slayer has arrived yes?" I nodded. " Well Mira get the stamp."

Mirajane walked away and said " Okay Master" I was a bit confused. Then I realized that the old dude was Makarov.

" Wait, you're Makarov?! ". She smiled and nodded. He asked me about the tail.

And I responded. " How about I first enter the guild and then tell you about the tail. " Master" He smiled once more as Mirajane came back. She asked me where to put the stamp. I told her to put it on my tail. It is a crimson red stamp. Tatsuki also joined. She put her stamp on her belly. Yoshino began to ask me about lunch. I told her that we were about to eat now. We both smiled.

A fist of flames came into my direction and hit my gut. It knocked me towards a wall. I made a crater in it. As I tried to recover from the fist I looked up and saw a pink haired dude standing in front of me with his right fist point at me covered in flames. " The name's Natsu and I'm a fire dragon slayer and I challenge you to a fight!" My glove started to burn and disintegrate. It showed my dragon hand. I smiled and looked towards Natsu. And accepted his challenge. " I you wanted a fight, all you had to do was ask. Natsu." And that's how my first day in Fairy Tail began and how my friendship with Natsu began.

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