Chapter 5: Dragon Slayers : Flame vs Elements

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Before we began to fight Natsu and I decided to move the fight outside before Master yells at us for destroying the guild. We moved the fight to a nearby park with a big tree in the middle. When I looked around I saw some people of Fairy Tail as well like Elfman, Lisanna, Lucy, Grey, Gajeel, and Wendy among others. I was a bit nervous and anxious since I had heard that Natsu was a very powerful Dragon Slayer that had defeated some of the most powerful wizards like Erigor, Lullaby, and even Laxus; probably the second strongest Dragon Slayer. " Natsu can eat fire" I said to myself " so I better not use any fire magic or might be completely screwed." Those words were just enough to help me relax and concentrate on the fight at hand.

Natsu was raring to go with his one sleeve jacket and scarf. He was very exited to fight. " Well?, come on. Let's start Xavier." Natsu exclaimed.

I was ready. " Okay, let's start" I replied. Natsu began to prepare for the fight and shouted " Fire Dragon's Roar!" and he spat fire at me. In return I shouted " Water Dragon's Roar!" as I shot water form my mouth to counter the flames of Natsu. Both of the roars weren't backing down. I started to lose a bit of balance before we both stopped. Then we ran towards each other for close combat.

Natsu was beginning to light his fists aflame and screaming " Fire Dragon' Iron Fist " and I also used my fist move.I shouted " Water Dragon's Tidal Fist"  as water enveloped my arms and met with Natsu's fists. We kept hitting each other with our fists for a while. He hit me a few times but I couldn't get one punch in. Then finally I punched him in the face When I punched Natsu in the face I smiled since that was the first clear shot I took on Natsu.

He smiled and said " About time you got a hit on me". And then he punched me in the gut and set me back a few feet before my tail stopped me.

He was even more excited about the fight that he was earlier. I getting a bit tired. Natsu ran towards me and lit his arms " Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" He shouted as he kept bashing me with his flaming fists. I grew more and more weak with each hit. I managed to dodge some of the attacks but most of them still hit me. Eventually Natsu stopped attacking and backed up a bit. I was completely covered in scratches and burn marks. They hurt like hell. Natsu became a bit concerned.

" Uh, you okay? Did I go too far again?". I replied with a simple "no". I wanted Natsu to come at me at full power. " Natsu... don't stop... this is the first real fight I've actually had... I want this to go on."

Natsu smiled as he jumped and summoned flames from his hands into balls of fire. And before he shot them at me he merged them and screamed out " Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame!" and he shot the humongous ball of fire at me. The flames began to burn around me. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed by the pain. 

The crowd began to feel worried as well. But then I began to laugh. Natsu was confused, but who could blame him?

I began to stretch out while inside the ball of fire. I stopped hurting after a while. I looked at Natsu as my right sleeve of my jacket burnt to a crisp. It exposed my dragon arm. Everyone looked at me in wonder. I clenched my fist and pointed it at Natsu and said " Let the real fight begin..."

I began to eat the flames around me like a buffet. The whole crowd was confused yet exited about this turn of events. Natsu was completely dumbfounded. I finished the flames and my wounds had all cleared.

Natsu was complaining about what had happened. " Hey! I thought you were a Water Dragon Slayer! What the Hell?!"

I thanked him for the flames and explained. " I'm not a Water Dragon Slayer, or an Earth, or an Sky, or Flame Dragon Slayer." I began to crouch putting my dragon punch onto the ground.

Natsu began to complain again. " Then what kind of Dragon Slayer are you?" I ran towards him using speed magic.

I dissapeared out of sight before appearing again under Natsu striking him with my dragon fist in the gut sending him up into the sky before answering.

" Natsu Dragneel; I'm a Elemental Dragon Slayer!"

I jumped up into the air and grabbed him by his left leg before throwing him back into the ground and forming a small crater. 

I summoned boulders from my hands and merged them and shouted out " Elemental Dragon Sky Ice Geyser!" As scolding hot water shot from the boulders and filled up the crater with Natsu in it. Natsu got up and enjoyed the water. " Are you trying to give me a bath or something?" I didn't answer and I aimed myself at Natsu and I was falling down. " Water Dragon's Serpent Sword!" as water completely covered me and formed itself in the form of a sea serpent.

 " Water Dragon's Serpent Sword!" as water completely covered me and formed itself in the form of a sea serpent

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Natsu tried to get up from the crater but he couldn't. He was stuck. He didn't notice that the hot water had frozen and he was now stuck in it. He wiggled a bit and finally got free and jumped up and covered himself completely in flames and shouted " Fire Dragon's Sword Horn!" Our attacks met and ended in an explosion which caused both to back down and land back into the floor. We were both really tired. It looked like one of us was about to collapse. We were completely covered in scratches and bruises. Neither us wanted to back down. So we slowly walked towards each other. When our faces were near next to each other, I whispered some thing to Natsu.

" How about we finish this already?... I'm tired..." Natsu nodded so we both took a huge leap backwards and began to prepare our final attacks.

Natsu summoned flames from his right hand and ran towards me. I turned my dragon arm into metal using my magic and I ran towards Natsu. We prepared to attack one final time...

" Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!"...

" Gaia Dragon's Ironclad Fist!"...

our fists met for the last time before smoke covered the battlefield. When the smoke cleared. Me and Natsu were still up but unconscious with our fists facing each other.

Few hours later...

I woke up to find myself in a bed surrounded by 5 people. They were Lucy, Erza, Grey, Yoshino, and Tatsuki. I got up from the bed. I was covered in bandages from arms to legs; tail: not so much. Speaking of which, it felt uncomfortable. i began to mumble. " Agh... What happened?..."

Then I remembered the fight. I looked at Erza for a minute and asked where was Natsu. She told me that he was resting at his house. I was relieved to hear that. Lucy then came up to me and asked something. Feeling nervous I accepted to hear her request. " Will you go with us to a mission we have to do? ". I smiled and accepted. 

New friends, new house, new adventures, exactly what I wanted...

That's what I was thinking before I went back to sleep...

What could go wrong?

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