Chapter 8: Hunter's Land

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We followed the lacrimas directions for a while. It seemed this place leads to the wood, where ever it is. As we kept running something seemed to bother Erza. Something looked wrong with her. So I decided to ask her.

" Erza, something wrong? You seem troubled."

She didn't say anything for a while seeming to ignore my question. Weird. I asked again. No result. She seemed spaced out. What could she be thinking? Before I could ask again I hit a wall.

" Aaagh... Geez what the heck?" I looked up and saw a big wooden wall. Looks like we got to the coordinates. A big ol' wooden cabin. It was preety old. With a ton of cobwebs. There seemed to be a river next to it.

I got up and started to look around the place. " Yep, just a big ol' cabin in the middle of the woods." 

We found the door. Natsu got in front of it and began to rile up his right arm. And before any of us could do anything, he kicked down the door and shouted " We're Fairy Tail, let's fight!" with his mouth on fire and his fists, looking really excited.

Erza knocked him down with a karate chop to the head and he did an anime fall. Erza began to scold him. That's kinda your fault Natsu.

" Natsu you can't just knock down someone else's home and start a fight!" Natsu was rubbing his head trying to recover from Erza's chop. He began to complain as Tatsuki, Lucy, Yoshino, Grey and I got in the cabin. It was preety old, not only on the outside. The bookshelf was very dusty, and the bed as well. The night stand was also dusty, it had a lacryma and a tiny dagger on it. Paranoid much? We all started to look around. Erza looked worried again. So again I asked.

" Erza, you okay? You seem worried." She looked up.

" It's nothing. It's that the guild name sounds really familiar. Hunter's Land. Its sounding many bells but I can't seem to get it." She kept thinking about it.

I said " Erza it's probably a dark guild so it might sound fami-" I stopped. I smelled something.

Dirty water?, no it's something weird. Maybe... ashes?

" Something wrong?" Asked Erza. I ducked down sniffing around. Lucy looked at me weirdly. And she asked " What are you doing?" Natsu also got on the floor sniffing around. Happy flew around Lucy and answered her question. " Looks like they're sniffing something." 

Tatsuki replied  " But the question is what they are sniffing around." Happy flew around until she found his way into Yoshino's arms. He looked a bit tired. He began to apologize. " Sorry, I'm just a bit hungry. I need fish..." He began to fantasize about fish. Again.

Natsu and I found the source of the smell. And we lifted the bed up to find a type of secret compartment. It was made of steel. Looks like we found the source of the smell. With my dragon arm I began to rip the steel door out of the ground. And when I took it out, we found a ladder going deeper underground. Looks like we have to go under ground.

" Wait! It's dark in there, gimme a sec..." Tatsuki said as she summoned a lantern using her requip magic. " Now we can go" She said before heading down the ladder. 

Well, here we go.

After a while...

We started walking around a dirt tunnel. It reeked of dirty water. I began to get nauseous " Aaahhh! What the hell is up with this smell?!" I started to scream out. " Doesn't anyone smell this?!" I looked back and saw Natsu with his nose pinched. He said " Yeah, it reeks." Lucy and the others didn't seem affected by the smell. Yoshino  was looking around at the walls. Then I noticed that Grey was in his underwear. Again. " Grey, you're half-naked, again." I said before he noticed and ran away to get dressed.

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