Chapter 16: Retreat

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Tatsuki up here

3rd POV

The Titan was upon the Fairy Tail Team. The Titans chest was black white the outline had red. Blood red. The eyes of the Titan were red as well. It also had gold shoulders that looked like castle towers just like it's legs. It's head was black but this head had a crown, a gold colored crown. It also had a sword in it's back as long as it's body which was pretty long since it was as big as the giant tree in the middle of the forest.

"How do you like the Titan, you faries?!" Asked the Titan with Randy's voice.

" So this is what you meant by Titan, you evil demon!"Shouted Akira in anger.

There was silence. "Yes, my previous partner in crime." Responded the Titan.

Akira looked down in shame or regret, then he looked at Xavier's unconscious body before turning to the rest of the team. They all looked concerned and confused. Mostly Zero and Erza. 

"Akira?" Asked Erza very concerned about him.

" Well now that we are all completely acquainted now it's time to tie loose ends." Said the Titan as it raised it's right arm. " Now DIE! Blizzard Inferno!"

Then the right arm was lighting up at the end of it. Magic was gathering there. Then it shot up into the skies where it then split up into many flames and where headed right for Akira. He shouted just as he dodged many times. 

"We have to go NOW!" Shouted Akira as he grabbed Xavier. "He'll be charging another blast!"

Another blast was shot, but this one was headed right for everyone. Erza slashed the one headed right for her. Akira slash his as well. Minako and Tatsuki slashed her blast too. Lucy dodged the blast headed for her by running away quickly behind a tree which then burn up quickly. 

" Fall."said Zero as he held out his arm. A magic circle appeared in his hand . The air around him felt heavy as the blast was slowly going down. The blast almost immediately fell to the floor and burnt up.

" You have gravity magic?!"shouted Akira in surprised. He nodded before he started to run. 

So everyone started running, except Tatsuki who began to fly with her knight armor while she held onto Yoshini. Akira picked up Lucy before he started sprinting. " Sorry but you're not exactly the fastest person alive..." said Akira as he run. The he looked at Natsu who was just standing there.

" Natsu, what are you doing?" Asked Akira as he stopped for a second. The Titan's arm was raised again. He was ready to shoot as another shot was headed right for Natsu.

Then Lucy realized what he was doing. "He's going eat the fire!"

Natsu grabbed the fire blast when he was hit by it. He tried to eat it but then it blew up. Sending ice shards everywhere. Natsu was blasted into a nearby tree. Half of his body frozen over. But he quickly heated up his half and was back on his feet.

"What the hell?!?! There's ice blocks on these fireballs!" Complained Natsu. " Hey Happy, let's go!" Happy flew next to him and picked him up. They flew away. Akira then followed.

Minako was jumping right on top the trees. Tatsuki was flying. And the rest of them were running away from that Titan... thing. The Titan then was preparing to shoot, but this time only one fireball was shot. And it was headed right for Akira. He would have run faster but there was extra weight holding him down. The flame ball was right on top of him. But before he was hit, he threw Lucy out of the blast.The blast hit him. He was under the flames.

" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted Lucy with her hand on her mouth.

There was smoke around where Akira was. Then the smoke was gone in one swell swoop of a sword. Akira was okay. But his legs were burnt up. 

"NEVER THINK LESS OF ME. OR DEAD!" Shouted Akira as he... FLEW!

He sprouted wings from his back with one sword in hand and Xavier's unconscious body in the other. He flew near Lucy and put her on his shoulder while Xavier was under that shoulder. He flew right past the others really quickly.

" Well aren't you... WHAT?! Since when can you fly?!" Shouted Grey in surprise. A blast went right next to him. " Jeez there is no way that we can run if he can still see us."

" How about we go into the forest. I mean deeper where he won't see us." suggested Erza as she ran.

There was some grumbling coming from Akira's direction. 

"That... won't... work..." said a voice.

" Heyyyyy... you're okay Xavier." said Akira.

Xavier was conscious but not entirely. " He won't care if there is a big forest in his way, we'll burn it to the ground if he has to... he might as well be a demon...said Xavier a bit sluggishly.

" Then what do we do?" Asked Zero.

" I.. have an idea."said Xavier weakly. " I may not enough for this but... I guess this is worth it." Xavier then spread his hands. " Akira, throw me."

Without hesitation or second thought Akira threw Xavier up into the sky. " With the flames on my right hand, and the tides on my left combine these two and you get ... Elemental Dragon's Smoke Screen!" Shouted Xavier as he shot a combination of water and flames towards the Titan.

It exploded on contact and then turned quickly into a fog surrounding the Titan. It finally lowered it's arm and started to shake it's arms around itself trying to dispel the fog but to no avail. Xavier fell back down and Akira caught him. 

"Okay... now let's hide somewhere." said Xavier. 

Minako stopped, then she looked around her. Her eyes widened. " Hey, you guys, follow me. I know where we can hide!" 

Everyone followed her quickly. They spent a while running, sure they were safe. But not for long. She led them into a hole in the ground. Everyone quickly went in. Akira set both Lucy and Xavier down. Minako helped Xavier down before she went in. Akira however stayed outside for a while. He looked down for a while before looking down.

" Looks like wherever I go, I always end up here." Said Akira. Then a puff of smoke surrounded him. A black furry tail was the only thing that was seen before it entered the hole.


Hello everybody ( readers).

It's been a while hasn't it... yeah... sorry about the HUGE wait. I've had a lot of stuff to take care of ( school... and... other stuff) but during June and July I should be able to post more. I will keep on posting when I have the chance but in June and July I will have a lot of free time. So, until then.

May the Dragons guide your path... 


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