Chapter 21: Return

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Xavier's POV

It was a few hours since we beat Randy and sent him to the Spirit World. There he would do no one any sort of damage. And even if he does, he has to deal with the king of the spirits so I don't think we'll be hearing from him for a while. I'm tired. Since we beat him, Akira carried me down to where the others were resting. In the final room. I'm just happy the plan worked.


" What do you mean by his weakness?" Asked Akira.

" I was finally able to figure out what was written on the wall that was blurted out." Said Yoshino. " I also figured out what was the history of that place."

" Really? " asked Grey. " Then what?"

Yoshino walked a bit back, she sighed. " Mind's Mirror." Said Yoshino as she summoned a mirror. But this one reflected nothing. Then it showed the wall with the scriptures on it. " The final words of the scripture I read are: Heaven's Light. If the demon gate is opened, the demon must be sealed while it's in its weakest state. It must be thrown into another world."

" Heaven's Light? What does that mean?" Asked Grey.

" I think it means sunlight or some sort of holy light." Said Yoshino. " But I hope it's sunlight."

" Okay so we know that, but what would be the plan?" Asked Zero.

" I can use mirror magic. What if one of you defeat him and throw him out of the Titan? I could use my mirror magic to reflect the sunlight at him to make him weaker." Asked Yoshino. " I think he knows about this already. That's he never leaves his castle/Titan."

" That would make sense." Said Erza. " But what would be next? Send him to another world, how do we do that?"

Yoshino was looking down trying to think. Then Lucy stood up. " Wait! Yoshino, can your mirrors reflect other worlds?" Asked Lucy.

" Huh? I think so." Answered Yoshino." If magic from said world is present."

"Give me a minute." Said Lucy backing away. She pulled out a key. " Open gate of the Lion: Leo!" Loki was then summoned.

" Hello, Lucy."  Said the spirit know as Loki.

" Hey, Loki I have a question." Said Lucy.

" Sure, anything for you beautiful." Responded Loki.

I don't know why, but I don't like him for some reason... his attitude or his playboy manner of talking... don't know which is worse...

" Is it possible to seal somebody into the Celestial Spirit World?" Asked Lucy.

" Hm? Strange question." Answered Loki. " Well... it is not entirely not possible. But that would be breaking one of laws."

" Then could you you talk with Stache Face for me?" Asked Lucky. Then Loki said that he would try and he left.

Stache Face?

After a few minutes Loki came back. " He said it was okay. " We started to smile. " He did want you guys to know that you can't kill Randy."

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