Chapter 6: Six Shot Hawk

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I woke up still in bandages. They didn't hurt as much though. I decided to take them off; the wounds had all healed. My tail still felt a bit uncomfortable. I went to the kitchen to find Tatsuki making breakfast and Yoshino eating what looked like eggs and bacon. Sweet... Sweet... Bacon... Anyway... I started stretching out to prepare for the day. I had a white t-shirt on me and brown shorts. The only thing on my mind was bacon. I started to walk towards Tatsuki. She looked at me as she made food. " So you finally woke up, huh? " She asked. I nodded as I kept looking at the food Tatsuki was making. She went up in front of me and said " Really? Already woke up and you're thinking about food?". I responded with a simple yes.

She went to get a plate and she served me some eggs and bacon. I so happy I could drool. I began to eat it. She kept looking at me as I ate. I started to get a bit weirded out. I stopped eating and asked her why was she staring at me. " No particular reason; it's that you're late to meet Lucy and the others for the train ride." I spaced out for a minute. I screamed out and ate the eggs and bacon in one big gulp and went to my room to get dressed. I put one my blue shirt and my black pants. " Tatsuki, do you know where my jacket is? I can't find it. " I asked Tatsuki. " Did you forget? The right sleeve burnt up so I bought you a new one until I can get you a new one." I groaned but went out to get the new one Tauski bought. I was black. I put it one, got my sword and ran towards the door before I realized that Tasuki and Yoshino were following me.

I ran towards the train station were the guys were supposed to wait for me. Tatsuki and Yoshin were still following me as I ran. I stopped for a minute, so did they. I asked " Why are you guys following me?" The stood there a bit awkwardly. Until Tatsuki said " Did you think that we were gonna let you leave on a mission without us?". I groaned. " A tiny bit." I replied. " Yoshino wanted to come with you." I looked at her. She got behind Tatsuki and said " Yeah I wanted to come with you too..." I couldn't stop them from coming with me so I eventually gave in and let them come with me.

We walked for a while until we reached the train station. We got to the center of the station looking for the others. Tatsuki asked exactly what we were looking for. " A giant waggon with an inhumane amount of luggage." We kept looking for a while until the others finally arrived. " See. Inhumane amount of luggage." We finally reached them. " Oh. Xavier, glad you could make it." Erza said with her casual armour she always wore. " Yep, sorry I was a little late." I said in a apologetic tone. She said that they just got to the train station. I relieved. Natsu and Grey were fighting again. Happy was eating a fish while hovering over Natsu's side.Lucy was holding Plue; one of her celestial spirits. Eventually we got into the train.

5 minutes later

Natsu was groaning in his seat and looking a bit sick.  Happy was sitting next to him still eating his fish.Grey was trying not to get puked on. He wore a white jacket with brown long pants. I leaned a bit towards Lucy. " What's with Natsu?" She explained that he had motion sickness problems. I leaned away since my tail was, again, uncomfortable. Erza was staring at me as I rearranged my tail for it to feel comfortable. I felt a bit weird. Erza then crossed her arms. She said " I've been meaning to ask you some thing Xavier, how did you get your dragon arm and tail?". It became awkwardly silent. Tatsuki began to stare furiously at Erza. Before I answered Tatsuki began to talk. " Erza, I know you want to know about Xavier's arm and tail, bit it's rude to ask for someone's personal history." Again awkward silence came once again. I didn't really mind telling Erza about my arm and tail. " Tatsuki, I don't mind telling Erza about my dragon limbs." She didn't say anything . " Well, Erza, the day I met Dagna I lost my arm and Dagna gave me a new dragon arm so I could learn dragon slayer magic, and because of the dragon blood in the arm I guess I grew a tail." 

After a while we finally reached the town we were supposed to go in. Natsu was breathing fire again into the sky after getting off the train. " Im alive again!" Natsu screamed out. We walked for a while until we reached the village chief's house. He was very nice. Apparently a dark guild had been terrorizing the village for a few weeks. Our job was to get them to leave. After we met the dude we decided to go eat. We went to a nearby bar that had the village's best cuisine. I asked for pasta with spicy meat. So did Natsu. Everyone else got a type of meat with weird type of sauce that tasted weird. But Happy got another fish. Surprise there.  We enjoyed ourselves in that quaint little place.

Then a boom was heard from the background. We turned and saw a man with white hair and red and black clothes. The place got really quiet. He started to walk around the place looking at the people that were eating. I kept eating my pasta. The man then turned to us and walked towards us and looked at our food. I got a bit pissed. Then man then stepped back. " You guys new?". We didn't answer. The man looked directly at Grey. " You guys must be from Fairy Tail. Yeah; The Salamander, The Ice Mage, Titania, and Lucy. Don't know you pal sorry." He said to me. I am starting to get really pissed off. He backed off and turned. " The name's Six Shot Hawk." Then he turned and pointed his gun at Grey. " You know what? Today's your lucky day, let's fight. I'm bored." I stood up and accepted his request. The man began to walk away and told me to follow him. To be honest I just wanted to eat my pasta in peace. So I followed him so I could kick his ass.

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