Chapter 1: Yo-kai Are Real!?

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The sun shined down on Uptown Springdale, which was part of a small town in Japan. In this small part of town, there was a group of four kids that were around the age of eleven hanging around in Triangle Park. One of the kids picked up a wooden box and looking inside the box revealed a couple of dead insects neatly pinned down and labeled.


“Did you catch all those yourself, Eddie?”

The boy holding the box, who was named Eddie, turned to the boy and girl that spoke and grinned.

“Yep! We have a forest behind our vacation house and there's always a bunch of bugs there!”

“Yeah, but I had to catch a couple of them. Eddie here got too squeamish to touch them.”

Eddie glared at the large boy who basically called him a coward and said,

“Well, I'm sorry for being unsure if they were dangerous or not, Bear. I don't want this project to be the cause of my death.”

Bear just rolled his eyes and turn to the other boy and the only girl in the group.

“Hey, Nate and Katie? How are your projects coming along?”

Nate and Katie glanced at each other for a moment and Katie spoke up first.

“I haven't been able to get much done. My sketchbook is already full and I haven't gotten around to getting a new one yet.”

Bear and Eddie turned to Nate and Nate rubbed the back of his head and said,

“My bug container's lid broke and I gave my mom the container so she could try to grow herbs in it. I'm trying to find a new bug container before I can do anymore work on my project.”

Nate wasn't sure if Bear and Eddie believed him or not, but that didn't matter to Nate. He was going to continue progress on his summer project, he just had to get new supplies. Nate wondered to himself how much more money he needed to buy a new container because the one that broke had been bought from a yard sale a while back and he couldn't remember if there were any more that were at a decent price still in stock at any of the stores that carried them.

The four of them stood in silence before they eventually parted ways. Nate and Katie started back home together, Nate softly sighing.

“Nate? What's wrong?”

Nate turned to Katie and said,

“A lot of things. I have no clue when I'll be able to buy a new bug container, I have no clue what else I want to do this summer, and I'm afraid this summer will be boring!”

After he ranted, Nate blushed and mumbled an apology.

“Sorry for ranting like that. It's just...I don't know if I'll ever get to do anything exciting in my life. I don't want to have an average and boring life.”

Katie sighed as well and said,

“I know what you mean. Life here is just too slow for my tastes. I want to experience something life-changing before I die.”

They kept walking until Katie spoke up.

“Do you want to work together on our projects?”

Nate was confused.

“What do you mean?”

“I'm saying that I can loan you my bug container for your project and as soon as I can find some paper to draw on, I could draw the insects you catch for my project and our projects will be done in no time.”

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now