Chapter 22: To the Yo-kai Realm!

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Life couldn't be any better for them. Nate was on a picnic at Mount Wildwood with Katie, Whisper, Jibanyan, and the Koma Brothers to celebrate their friendship and the sky was blue and clear. They all laughed at a story Whisper had just told them when Lucas appeared. He gestured to an empty spot near Nate and Nate nodded, giving him permission to sit there. Lucas sat down and took some food as Jibanyan curled up in Lucas's lap. Lucas chuckled and petted Jibanyan's head as the sky started to grow dark. They were all worried as they finished eating and packed up to move to another location, but then the winds picked up and blew everywhere, forcing the Yo-kai to cling to the closest person for dear life to avoid becoming a victim of the wind.

"We have to get out of here!"

Suddenly a light blue beacon started to shine from an unknown location and they traveled to it, hoping it was safety from the winds. To their surprise, it was the tree that the Crank-a-kai was in front of and there was a small light blue light coming from the key around Lucas's neck. There was a stone pillar with a keyhole, so Lucas inserted the key into the keyhole and turned the key. There was a soft click as the Crank-a-kai disappeared and was replaced with a set of doors that opened to reveal an elevator. The group walked into the elevator and found themselves in a beautiful area filled with Yo-kai. They walked forward and saw the teenage Yo-kai with the dragon scarf. The three kids just stared at him for a bit before they started to glow. When the glow died down, Lucas was wearing the same outfit he had worn at the festival and Nate and Katie looked the same except that they had a glowing aura surrounding them, light blue for Nate and pink for Katie, that seemed to originate from their Yo-kai Watches and they were wearing golden armbands with a spirit symbol within the Yo-kai Watch symbol on one side and on the other side was a light blue star and a pink heart. An evil laugh echoed through the land and the teenage Yo-kai pointed to Lucas and said,

"Protect him at all costs."

Just as Nate and Katie nodded, the ground started to shake and white tentecles shot up from the ground. Nate and Katie quickly got in front of Lucas and saw that their aura scared the tentecles away from grabbing Lucas. When their Yo-kai friends came over to them, the aura grew bigger and the tentecles shrank away from the group.

"Prove that you're both worthy of bearing the Yo-kai Watch. Protect both humans and Yo-kai from the evils that wish to keep them apart. Be the bridge that covers the gap between us."


Three kids jolted up in the middle of the night after having the same dream and they all sat up on their beds, wondering what the dream was trying to tell them. Two of them realized that it was a sign of approaching danger, but one wondered if it was connected to his forgotten past and everything that's happened to him recently. They all went back to sleep, determined to figure out the answers in the morning.


"Wait, you had the same dream too?"

Nate and Katie had been heading towards the riverbank with some Custard Bread in hand when Nate told Katie about the dream he had last night, only to discover that she had the same dream.

"That's freaky. The same dream, down to the small details."

Katie nodded as she ate, then Nate mumbled,

"It's odd though. In the dream, Lucas was able to interact with Jibanyan, petting his head and everything. He even laughed when Jibanyan was curled in his lap. I don't just feels weird."

"Considering that we don't know if Lucas can see Yo-kai?"

"Well...remember when you were talking to Lucas about the fire he had witnessed? We didn't say anything because we didn't think it was important, but I swear that Lucas was looking right at me and Jibanyan."

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now