Chapter 11: What Dad Forgot

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The sun was shining as both Arron Adams and Jason Forester walked to Sunshine Station, envelopes containing papers for an important development project in both of their hands. While they could've easily just took the short way to Downtown Springdale with the crosswalks in front of Lambert Post Office or Piggleston Bank, they both prefered walking through the not-so-busy Blossom Heights, plus Central Station was a little more closer to their office building. When they got to Sunshine Station, they sat down and looked through the papers.

Everything seems to be in order here.

They placed their envelopes down for a minute, unaware of a Yo-kai resembling a green hat biting on their heads, making them lose their train of thought for a few moments. Just then, the train showed up.

"That was fast!"

They walked onto the train, leaving the important envelopes behind.

As the train took off, a station attendent walked by and saw the envelopes.

"Some office in Downtown is going to be filled with panic without these papers! Too bad it's just a name on these envelopes, I would've been able to call someone about this."



Nate had just woken up and stretched. Whisper and Jibanyan were still sleeping, so Nate wrote in his journal a little more and got dressed. He collected his things, woke up Whisper and Jibanyan, and the three of them went down for breakfast. Nate waved to his mother as he sat at the table and ate his breakfast with her, sneaking Whisper and Jibanyan some of it when she wasn't looking. After eating, he helped his mom with the dishes and as he was putting them away, his mom's cell phone went off.

"Hello? Oh, hi honey! Wait...what?! Both of you?! This is just plain crazy! I'll ask Nate to handle it. What? I'm busy today. Okay, bye."

She sighed as she turned to Nate, who had just closed the dish cabinet.

"Nate, this is a bit strange, but somehow both your father and Katie's father left some important documents at Sunshine Station. I need you to go pick up the papers and take them to your father."

"Mom? May I ask why I have to do it?"

"I'm busy with errands today, sweetie. I'll call the train station to hold on to the papers until you get there."

Nate left the house and started off towards Blossom Heights. He stopped for a moment when he heard Katie running up to him.

"Nate! You're not going to believe this, but-"

"Your dad left some important documents at Sunshine Station and your mom sent you to pick them up?"

"Yeah...oh, right. Mom was confused about how both of our dads managed to do that. Let's just hurry and get those papers."


They made their way to the station and found the station attendent.

"Excuse us, have you seen two brown envelopes? They should have our father's names on at least one of them. Arron Adams and Jason Forester?"

The attendent handed the envelopes to them and said,

"Well, I'm glad to know that these will be getting back to their owners safely."

The kids nodded as they hurried onto the train to Central Station. Normally, it would cost three bucks for a pass, but there was a special for that day that allowed you to ride the train for free. As they waited for their stop, Whisper started reading from his Yo-kai Pad.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now