Chapter 21: The Hospital of Doom

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The group walked into the hospital, which had clearly seen better days. They weren't at all surprised to see a few Yo-kai hanging around the place since it was the perfect place for them.

"Hello there!"

They looked down to see a Leadoni holding a clipboard and smiling at them.

"Would you be interested in our free promtional check-up?"

They were hesistant to answer. It could be a trap, but they had a feeling that he wouldn't let them go any further if they didn't agree to it.


He smiled and said,

"Excellent! Just head down this hallway to Examination Room 1 and I'll meet you there!"

The group walked down the hallway, suspicion growing in their minds as they found the poorly fixed sign above the doorway confirming that this was Examination Room 1 and entered. They weren't surprised to see the Leadoni from earlier in the room next to a stadiometer, although they were suprised that he was dragging Nate over to the stadiometer.

"I need to measure your height. Just stand there and no tiptoes!"

There was a hint of malice in his voice when Leadoni told Nate not to stand on his tiptoes, almost like he was threatening them. Not really wanting to make him mad, Nate just let him measure his height.

"Okay...4 feet and 6 1/2 inches for you..."

Nate stepped away from the stadiometer and Leadoni had Katie step up to it and he measured her height.

"4 feet and 7 1/2 inches for're both around the average height for kids your age."

The Leadoni closed his eye and smiled, although the smile felt unnerving to them. Just then, an announcement came from somewhere in the hospital.

"Nate and Katie, please head to Examination Room 2."

"Well, you better listen to the announcement. One of my co-workers will meet you there."

As the group left to find Examination Room 2, they couldn't help but wonder about a few things.

"Why did he only have us tested? I would've thought that since he was a Yo-kai, he would've been a little concerned about making sure that you four got tested as well."

"Yeah, and we never told them our names, so how were they able to ask for us to go to Examination Room 2?"

"And how are they making the announcements?"

Whisper was silent as the group walked. Yes, Nate and Katie had valid questions, but something was bothering him. As the kids were being measured, he swore he heard the sound of someone writing. He knew it wasn't the Leadoni that had been measuring them since he didn't seem to bother writing down the heights after he called them out. Either he had a good memory or someone else was watching them and taking notes.

I want to tell them as soon as possible, but what if they think I'm just being paranoid? But if I'm right and I don't tell them my suspicions, they'll get mad at me for keeping it to myself and not getting them out of here when I had the chance.

As Whisper decided to just tell the group his suspicions, they had found Examination Room 2, which also had a poorly fixed sign above it. The only things inside the room was an eye chart and another Leadoni, except this one was wearing a monocle.

If there really is something bad about to happen, I don't want to tip off anyone that might be trying to make it happen. As soon as we're not being examined by anyone, I'm getting them out of here, mark my words!

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now