Chapter 23: The Truth about Lucas

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"Wait, why do we have to battle you right now?"

"I need to see if you've improved in battling so that we can stop the invasion or at least delay it."

The group was hesitant to battle him, but they had to continue onward and if the only way to continue was to battle him, then they had to.

"This won't be like your other battles. They made the mistake of underestimating you two just because you were children, but I've been watching you and I won't make that mistake, so go ahead and give me your best shot, but I'm warning you now...I'm not going to hold back."

"Neither are we."

Whisper and Lucas noticed a spark in the Yo-kai's eyes and they were pretty sure that he was smirking under that dragon scarf. Whether Nate, Katie, and the other Yo-kai noticed it or not, they didn't know, but they did know that it was not a good time to ask them.


Okay, in order to beat him, he has to be taken by surprise. How should we do it? Hmm...his dragon scarf seems to be moving of his own free will, so maybe if we have some of the Yo-kai distract the scarf, we can get a few hits in on him!

Nate had an idea and whispered something to Tattletell, who had a gleam in her eye as she lept at the Yo-kai, who then caught her with his scarf.

"Trying to get me to reveal my weakness? I have to say, while it was clever, it's also one of the oldest battling tricks in the book."

Before he could say anything else, he felt the sheer coldness of Frostina's Snow Sherbert as it landed on him. He flinched and almost dropped Tattletell. She then used Loving Slap on him before hopping back over to the group, snickering the whole time. Blandon managed to land a hit with Hazy Dance before the Yo-kai released his own Soultimate Move on the current attacking party, whittling their health to halfway. Nate and Katie let them fight for a little longer before they switched them out for Jibanyan and the Koma Brothers.

They managed to distract me by having look like Tattletell was going to inspirit me! Well, I'm not out of the game quite yet! Let's see what else they got!

Nate knew that the Yo-kai wouldn't fall for the same trick as he healed Tattletell and watched the current attacking party throw a few elemental attacks at their opponent's dragon scarf, then used their Soultimates Moves on the Yo-kai himself when he was distracted by checking on his scarf. The Yo-kai was low on health, but he knew when to admit defeat and landed as he kneeled to the group.

"You have proven your strength to me and I will admit defeat to you."


The dragon scarf seemed to snap at the group after the battle was over, but the Yo-kai wearing it petted it to calm it down.

"Now, now. They're our allies."

"Okay, you said you would answer our questions."

"Yes, I did say that...very well. I'll start with answering the question that is most likely on your mind. I'm Venoct, former servant of the Great Lord Enma."

Okay, that's one question down.

"Why did you save us from Slimamander that day and why have you been watching us since?"

"Slimamander is a dangerous Yo-kai, as you know, and if he was loose in Springdale, it would mean trouble to both humans and Yo-kai alike. When I heard that some Yo-kai were trying to release him, I tried to track down the Yo-kai responsible and check on the seals, but to my surprise, the Yo-kai that had been guarding the seals had been defeated and the seals had been fixed. I went to the school to check on the main seal that kept Sliamander in check, only to find you two battling him. I was going to step in and help, but you were making good work of him, so I just watched. Besides, I was pretty bored and needed the entertainment. I was going to leave when the battle was over but then Slimamander decided to try to burn you, so I decided to step in and make sure that you two didn't die."

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now