Chapter 13: Preparing for the Confrontation

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After discussing it, they decided to head to the construction site and see what exactly they had to deal with. If there was going to be a lot of people at the site, it was going to be a problem. They rode their bikes to the construction site and saw a green door with a C. They flashed the light onto the door, making it disappear and showing the group that there were only two people at the site.

"Well, it looks like it's just us for today. I'm going to Everymart to pick up something, so I want you to get some work done while I'm out."

The boss of the construction crew had left the site and Nate and Katie were confused about something.

"Do normal people not run into the Watch Lock doors or something?"

Whisper just shrugged.

"I would think so, otherwise people would be curious about the strange barrier keeping them away from some places."

"Were we immune to Watch Lock doors before we got the Yo-kai Watch or are we just coming across them recently?"

"Well, this one was at a construction site, which is a dangerous place in general, so it might be just a coincidence. The other one we saw kept us from trespassing into someone's yard, but it was also in a hidden alcove near Shoten Temple, so that one is kinda debatable."

As they were discussing the logic behind the Watch Lock doors, they heard the worker sighing to himself.

"I wish I was stronger than I am right now."

"Excuse us? Is anything we can do to help?"

"Hmm? Oh, you heard that? Yeah, if you know a way for me to get stronger, I'll gladly listen."

The worker turned away from them and started carrying some lighter items into the site.

"Whisper, is there anything you can think of?"

"Maybe Liver and Chives? It would work for me. If that doesn't work, we can try having Mochismo inspirit him."

"We'll give it a try, Whisper."

They pulled out a Liver and Chives and handed to the worker.

"Here, we heard that this dish can make you stronger."

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

He ate the Liver and Chives and for a few minutes, it seemed to work. He was at least carrying slightly heavier items into the site, but he eventually got tired again as he leaned against the doorway, facing away from the group.

"Man, I can't handle this much longer."

"Quick! Inspirit him before his boss gets back!"

Nate summoned Mochismo and after a quick explanation, he inspirited the worker and by the time the boss of the construction site came back, the worker had almost finished clearing out the site.

"Wow! I can't believe you managed all this while I was out!"

The worker smiled as he kept working and the group left the construction site, hoping that inspiriting the worker will get him away from the site for the night and walked to Nom Burger for lunch. When they got there, they ordered their food and sat down in a corner booth, and they discussed some things that they could do for the rest of the day until nightfall.



Kyubi was getting impatient as he waited for night to come.

"Ugh! Why can't it be night already?!"

"Honestly, Kyubi, elementary schoolers are more mature than you."

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now