Chapter 7: Helping Around Town

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The sunlight shined down on the two sleeping kids, who were thankful that it was summer vacation so that they could sleep in and recover the lost energy from last night without worrying about being late for school. Whisper and Jibanyan had been unknowingly cuddling each other in their sleep all night, so they were surprised to see themselves tangled in their arms.

"M-morning, Whisper."

"M-morning, Jibanyan. This is quite a shock, isn't it?"

Jibanyan nodded before detangling himself from Whisper's arms.

" what do you want to do while we wait for Nyate and Katie to wake up?"

Whisper shrugged and went onto his Yo-kai Pad. He looked through the Yo-kai News, occasionally humming to himself.

"Hmm...nothing big seems to be happening yet. Wait..."

Whisper's eyes were currently scanning an article about the Slimamander incident and he handed the Yo-kai Pad over to Jibanyan so that he could read the article as well:

Slimamander Resealed by Mysterious Group:

Two days ago, the dreadful Slimamander had unwiitingly been released from his imprisionment by an evil group of Yo-kai seeking the power to rule the Yo-kai Realm. The police had found them nursing injuries when they were captured at Mount Wildwood, rethinking their takeover plan. When they were being questioned, they said that they had been in battle with a group of Yo-kai with some humans and they have unfortunately refused to give anymore details about the group other than that the group had resealed Slimamander. While they were unaware of the true purpose of the seals, they are currently awaiting for their trail to decide their punishment.

Jibanyan stopped reading the article and looked at Whisper.

"We're famous?"

"Err...kind-of. They don't know that it's us specifically."

Whisper glanced around.

"Secretly, I'm afraid that someone told the reporters who we are and that they're waiting to ambush us for an interview. I want Nate and Katie to be more comfortable around Yo-kai before that happens, you know?"

Jibanyan nodded and looked at the article.

"Well, they're nyot asking for information about us yet. They want to see if we strike again before trying to track us down."

Whisper let out a relieved sigh.

"That's good to hear. We should just take the day to relax, look around town, befriend more Yo-kai, and help people."

"Should we wake them up?"

"No, they were up pretty late last night. Besides, they don't have anything important to do right now."

"'re right, Whisper. But it's pretty boring just waiting for them to wake up on their own."

"I know, but you'll have to deal with it."

Whisper went over to Jibanyan to get his Yo-kai Pad back, but Jibanyan started to hold it out of Whisper's reach, pressing a paw on Whisper's chest to make it more annoying for him.

"Jibanyan, give it back or I swear to Lord Enma..."

Suddenly, Jibanyan fell onto the floor and Whisper fell on top of Jibanyan, both of them blushing like crazy. They heard Nate and Katie moving around, about to wake up, so they quickly got up, acting like nothing happened while Whisper took back his Yo-kai Pad and started mumbling,

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now