Chapter 26: Back to Normal

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Time had passed since their Yo-kai friends had returned to the Yo-kai Realm and Nate and Katie tried to make the best of it. They hung out with Bear and Eddie, either playing a video game or catching bugs, although Eddie was still confused about how the cherry blossoms had bloomed so suddenly as he brought it up in their conversations from time to time, but he eventually stopped talking about it.

Such a beautiful sight, those cherry blossoms. Good thing we saved a few petals from the trees.

When they weren't hanging out with Bear and Eddie, they were riding their bikes around Springdale, really missing how they could use a charm to carry their bikes, but those days were long gone. Their bike rides showed their town changing as a new
restaurant was getting ready to open, the hot springs was starting to be remodeled, some donut shops were going to be moving into Flower Road, and the construction site was slowly becoming what they discovered to be a new gym.

Hard to believe that we were in there trying to fight Kyubi and ended up fighting Massiface, although we did get Komasan and Komajiro's friendship, so that was a plus.

However, no matter what they did to distract themselves, they always thought back to their Yo-kai friends. More than once they had caught themselves about to speak to their Yo-kai friends, only to remember that they weren't there anymore. Whether it be a trip to get some ice cream and almost asking their Yo-kai friends what flavor they wanted or almost asking Whisper's opinion on getting him a bowtie to make him look more butler-like, they couldn't get their minds off of them. The only things they had left were memories, drawings, and notes they had made over their journey. One night, as they were in their rooms, they looked over the night sky and wondered if and when they would see their Yo-kai friends again.


In the Yo-kai Realm...

Life hadn't been the same since they sealed the Yo-kai Elevator. Sure, they were able to punish Mckraken for what he did and they were currently looking for the other grandson so that he could safely come back and rule over the Yo-kai Realm, but it felt empty. Whisper and Jibanyan were staying with the Koma Brothers and their family at their vacation house since Jibanyan didn't have a house due to becoming a Yo-kai recently and Whisper never had a permanent place to stay, being a traveler and all before his imprisonment. Whisper often thought about Nate and Katie, hoping that they were alright and as he sat on the porch one morning with Jibanyan and the Koma Brothers, a letter appeared in front of them and after reading it, they all smiled and after thanking the Koma Brother's family for letting them stay with them, they rushed forward to see if what the letter had said was true.


Nate and Katie were walking to Triangle Park as they discussed their plans for the summer, only to see a light blue ball of flame.

"Can it be...?"

They slowly walked up to the flame and when they turned the corner, they saw Jibanyan, smiling. Nate and Katie smiled as well and laughed happily as they saw more Yo-kai appearing.

"You guys were able to come back!"

Jibanyan and the Koma Brothers rushed up to Nate and Katie, hugging them as tears of joy spilled from their eyes from both parties. They looked up and saw Whisper, also crying with tears of joy as he bowed to them and they hugged him tight, afriad that he would disappear if they let him go. Nate felt a weight on his wrist and Katie felt a weight around her neck and saw that their Yo-kai Watches were back. It had felt so weird not wearing them anymore and not being able to see and talk to Yo-kai anymore, but now everything felt right again. Nate and Katie laughed again as they declared with a smile,

"Our lives are back to normal!"

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now