Chapter 8: A Ring in the Pond

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Nate and Katie had walked out of the school and were hanging around the front of the school, just talking while Whisper and Jibanyan were busy planning out the rest of the day. Eddie walked up to Nate and Katie and asked,

"How are your projects going?"

"Oh, they're going great!"

"We're actually almost finished!"

Nate and Katie both knew that it wasn't a total lie. They were actually going to look for more bugs later, it was just that they had a new secret project that was taking up most of their time. Trying to understand Yo-kai was a lot of work and they were both extremely thankful that it was during the summer that their Yo-kai adventure began and not during school.

"Oh, that's good! I finished my project already, but I'm still really bored. I'm trying to find something else to write about, but I don't know what. I guess I'll see what comes around."

Bear suddenly ran up to the group, completely out of breath.

"Bear? What's wrong?"

He held up a finger as he was catching his breath and as soon as he was able to converse with them, he suddenly yelled, startling the whole group.

"I lost my mom's birthday present! I spent weeks saving up enough money to get her something nice and it disappears the minute my back is turned!"

"Where did you last see it?"

Bear sighed as he asked,

"You guys know about the King of Catfish Pond, right?"

The group, except for Whisper and Jibanyan, had heard of the King of Catfish Pond. It was a supposedly large fish that has extremely hard to catch and the only way to catch it was to use shiny objects as bait, or that's how the story went.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, I had bought the ring for my mom and I wanted to give it to her before she left for her class reunion, but she wasn't home yet. I decided to go fishing to pass the time, so I grabbed one of the cheap plastic rings I had around in my room to use as bait. I go up to Catfish Pond, hook up the cheap ring to my lure, and I discover that the ring I bought for my mom was missing! I'm just back-tracking to see if I had lost it before I got to Catfish Pond."

"Hey, Whisper. Do you think that the King of Catfish Pond is actually a fish Yo-kai, nya?"

"I'll look it up. You see if they mention anything else, Jibanyan. This is very curious."

As Whisper was about to look up any information on the King of Catfish Pond, he suddenly came across a news article about some recent thefts.

"Oh, great."

Nate and Katie turned their heads towards Whisper and after seeing if Eddie and Bear were paying attention to them, they quickly sat down next to Whisper to see what the article said.

Thefts in Human Realm Threaten Yo-kai Safety!

Recently, a string of thefts in the Human Realm has many Yo-kai concerned. Normally, it wouldn't be a huge problem, but the items in question are far too expensive to just sweep under the rug. We suspect that another group of evil Yo-kai has been doing the crime, but we have no information as of yet for motive. We urge all Yo-kai to be careful until the culprits are caught. As long as they're causing trouble, no innocent Yo-kai is safe from being a victim of flase accusation from the humans.

Nate glanced up and whispered,

"I thought only a select few humans could see Yo-kai?"

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now