Chapter 25: Farewell, Yo-kai!

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The group started at Mckraken, who was lazily sitting on the throne, looking at them like he was expecting someone else to walk in.

"Huh...not what I expected."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

"When I heard that two kids were going to try to stop me, I expected you to be in either junior high or high school, not elementary school."

Of course, Mckraken was lying. Having read the report Maddiman gave him, he did know how old the two kids were. He just wanted to rile them up a little, although he was admittedly worried.

Maybe trying to rile them up is a bad idea...if these two managed to defeat Maddiman and get here to fight me,, Squiddilius. Don't get distracted. You've put too much work into getting to the top and you're not going to let some kids take that away from you!

Mckraken gave the group a malicious smile as he attempted to repress his negative thoughts.

"I must say, I'm surprised to see any human children making it this far. I would say you have guts, but honestly? I think you just wasted your time if you think you can defeat me."

"And what makes you so certain, Squiddilius? Do you feel threatened by two human children that have bonded with Yo-kai?"

Venoct's voice carried a tone that sounded like a combination of being threatening and teasing.

"N-no! Yo-kai are far more superior to the humans! We should be ruling over them!"

Venoct didn't buy it. He knew that Mckraken was terrified of his plans falling apart, plans that he had spent years putting together. The only thing keeping him from letting the invasion to the Human Realm start right that second was the fact that he was facing what could be his plan's demise and he couldn't think straight.

"Humans and Yo-kai should never be friendly with each other! I'm restoring the pride that was lost when some of these Yo-kai actually decided to be friends with the humans and act like their little pets!"

Nate and Katie didn't have to look at their Yo-kai companions to know that they felt insulted by Mckraken's words, saying they had no pride by befriending humans and Nate and Katie saw Whisper's face turn cold, which they had rarely, if never, seen. Yes, they had seen him mad and annoyed a few times in the short while they had known him, but the expression on his face was that of someone who has had enough.

"Excuse me, but just because some Yo-kai believe that we can get along with humans doesn't mean we have no pride. If you can't even see that truth, you're not fit to even rule a goldfish bowl, let alone the Yo-kai Realm, you shellfish Yo-kai."

Whisper broke his cold facade to snicker at his unintentional pun and Nate and Katie took the moment to speak up for their friendship with their Yo-kai companions.

"That's right! We just want to live together in peace!"

Mckraken laughed, obviously not taking them seriously, even with Whisper snapping back to his cold facade.

"Squeeheehee! You gotta be squidding me! It's never going to happen once I take over!"

"We'll see about that! Mckraken, we challange you to a battle!"

Mckraken looked confused for a moment as he looked at the Yo-kai currently with them.

Let's see, the only strong one they have seems to be Venoct and I've seen the kid fight. Other than him, I can easily wipe out the other Yo-kai they brought. I mean, it's just a nekomata, two komainus, and whatever the white Yo-kai that doesn't work for me is supposed to be. This will do nicely.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now