Chapter 24: The Three Gates

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Nate, Katie, and their Yo-kai companions looked towards the path and after composing themselves, they walked forward to the red gate up ahead.

"Hey, Whisper? What's so special about these gates?"

"They're guarded by the Onis of Terror Time, Gargaros, Ogralus, and Orcanos."

The group stopped in their tracks, shocked.

"Wait, what?! The same onis that hunt for kids sneaking around after dark guard the gates?!"

Whisper nervously chuckled.

"Well, we were only caught in Terror Time once and considering the circumstances right now, I don't think they'll hold it against you."

Nate and Katie sighed as they and the rest of the group continued onward. As they walked, they saw some Yo-kai in the area. Some were too scared to even acknowledge the group walking by, a few were curious, but didn't say or do anything, and the rest just waved to the group with a smile. To pass the time until they got to the red gate, Whisper explained that there were areas below the bridge that sometimes had Yo-kai roaming around.

"There's three areas that I know of down there...hold on..."

Whisper pulled out his Yo-kai Pad and typed in something before nodding.

"The three areas are Hungry Pass, Liar Mountain, and Hooligan Road. To access them, you either need to fail the tests that the Onis give you or fall through specific holes that are in the fences along the bridge."

"What? There's no rope to get back up with?"

"There is, but I'm pretty sure that it would take you back to the gate that you had passed through to get to that area. You could always climb down the rope if you want to see the area before walking down the bridge."

On one hand, we can fight some Yo-kai and get stronger while seeing some new areas, but on the other hand, we don't want to waste a lot of time and there's a chance of us getting lost down there if we're not careful.

As they juggled with the thought of visiting the areas, they heard Whisper say,

"We're almost there, guys."

True to Whisper's words, they were closing in on the red gate and in front of it was Gargaros.

After we pass his trail, we'll just keep walking on the bridge and see what happens and if we don't see those areas, we don't see those areas. Besides, it's not like we won't come back and visit this place again...right?

They composed themselves and walked forward, stopping in front of him. To their surprise, Gargaros looked to be rather calm, unlike the first time they encountered him.

"We would like to pass through the gate, please."

"To pass through this gate, you must have a good heart. Have you helped those in need?"

"Yes, we have."

Gargaros stared at them for a few moments, then he disappeared and they heard an echoing voice say to them,

"You two do have good hearts. The energy from those you have helped is enough to convince me. You are free to pass by the red gate."

The group walked through the red gate and they continued onward, seeing a blue gate in the distance, which was their next destination.


Meanwhile, in the throne room...

Mckraken was looking over a few papers with a scowl on his face.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now