Chapter 9: Battles, Favors, and Scams

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"You might want to prepare for battle. It's the only way to get him to calm down enough for us to explain what we were doing."

Nate and Katie were hoping to not battle, but it looked like there was no other option.

"Okay, just tell us what his gimmicks are and we'll try to make the battle as quick as possible."

"Got it."

Realizing that they still had their fishing poles in hand, they placed their fishing poles down to have their hands free to help their Yo-kai friends.


The battle started with Jibanyan, Tattletell, and Walkappa in the front row.

"SV Snaggerjag uses fish to help him in battle, so try to take out the fish before attacking him. If he has a fish on both sides, he'll be able to unleash his Soultimate Move."

Jibanyan went first with a quick scratch to Snaggerjag's face and helped Tattletell reach him so that she could inspirit him easier.

"I have three fish helpers. The blue fish is Shuter and he uses water attacks, the red fish is Grumpus and he uses physical attacks, and the green fish is Meditatum and he heals me. Why am I telling you this?!"

Snaggerjag quickly purified himself as he threw his hook into the water below to catch a fish, leaving Nate and Katie to dwell on the possible outcomes.

If he manages to catch two fish, we have to get rid of at least one of them so that he doesn't activate his Soultimate Move. And we just had a huge battle last night too!

After what they had witnessed last night, that last thing they wanted was another Soultimate Move going off and making their Yo-kai faint again. Sure, they have some Nasty Medicine to revive the Yo-kai with, but they had to also give the revived Yo-kai some food to heal with and that was if they could find something that could at least heal them enough to not let them faint in one hit.

"Whisper! What does the talisman we got do?!"

"That one is for defense! It'll give the Yo-kai you use it on more defense in general. There's also defense talismans for elemental attacks, but we'll deal with that later! Pay attention to the battle!"

As Nate threw the Defense talisman to Jibanyan, he glanced over and saw Snaggerjag pull up a fish, which was colored blue.

Okay, that's Shuter. He attacks with water, so we should get rid of him so that he doesn't attack Jibanyan, regardless of the Defense talisman I just gave him.

Before Nate could say so, Tattletell smacked Shuter, lowing his health by a third. Snaggerjag pulled out another fish in response, this time it was Meditatum. Walkappa attempted to attacked Meditatum, but did little damage, so he was switched out for Cadin. Cadin released his Soultimate Move, Cicada Cut, damaging both Snaggerjag and his fish. Shuter had fainted and Meditatum was now at half health, so Jibanyan started to warm up to release Paws of Fury. Snaggerjag attempted to attack Jibanyan with his hook, but Tattletell jumped in front of it, taking the hit for Jibanyan. Nate dug through the bag to find a healing item and pulled out a Plum Rice Ball, handing it to Tattletell so that she could heal a little. She healed herself the rest of the way, bringing her back to full health as Cadin put a hit on Meditatum to lower his health even more. It wasn't enough to make him faint as he managed to heal up Snaggerjag a bit. Jibanyan then released his Paws of Fury, taking down Snaggerjag's health by a chunk and made Meditatum faint.

"Go, Jibanyan!"

They switched Walkappa back in and let him prepare his Soultimate Move, Mega Waterfall, as Snaggerjag used a water move on Jibanyan and pulled out Grumpus, the final choice of fish he had. Grumpus headbutted Jibanyan, but thankfully, the Defense talisman kept Jibanyan from getting too much damage. Katie handed him a Hamburger to heal with as Walkappa released Mega Waterfall on Snaggerjag. Jibanyan scratched Grumpus a few times before letting Tattletell deal the final blow on Snaggerjag with Loving Slap with Grumpus fainting along with him.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now