Chapter 14: The Komainu Brothers and the Construction Battle Site

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"Nyaattee...wake up!"

Nate rose out of bed after Jibanyan yelled at him and after checking to make sure that his parents had fallen asleep, Nate summoned Baku to take his place in bed. After he got dressed and got out the door without waking up his parents, he sent Whisper over to get Katie.


When Katie saw Whisper floating in her room, she had Whapir to take her place in bed, got dressed, and sneaked out with Whisper. She grabbed her bike and rode over to Nate's house. She waved at Nate as he was getting his own bike.

Let's get this over with!

After getting Jibanyan into Katie's bicycle basket, they turned on the little light on their bikes and took off towards the shortcut that would take them towards Downtown Springdale. Jibanyan was grumbling about wanting to ride on Whisper's back, but since he wasn't walking, he couldn't complain too much.

"I really, really hope Terror Time doesn't activate right nyow."

They stopped at the crosswalk in front of Piggleston Bank, pressed the button for crossing the street, and looked around. After not seeing any strange fog and the crosswalk light turned green, they continued to ride over to the construction site.


They skidded to a stop in front of the wall in front of the construction site and after making their bikes disappear into the charms, Whisper floated up to see if there was anyone that would keep them from stepping inside the site or worse, call the police. The last thing the group wanted was to have to explain to a bunch of adults that couldn't see Yo-kai that they were meeting a fox Yo-kai to find out why he was messing with people on Flower Road.

"There's one guy here, but I think he fell asleep. We can probably sneak past him if we're quiet enough."

"Kyubi better have a good explanation for this when we find him."

The group didn't head into the area to the construction site just yet, staring at the large building in front of them. At this point, it was almost close to completion. On one hand, that meant the building had walls to block out the elements and no one would see them climbing on the structure. On the other hand, there would probably be some unfinished floors, blocked stairways, and many dangerous ways to get around. The group had to whisper to avoid accidently waking up the guard or drawing unwanted attention.

"I don't know, guys. Is it really worth it?"

"Tengloom's here, remember?"

Nate sighed softly.

That's right. We really need that upgrade.

"Okay, let's head in and hope that Kyubi isn't tricking us into getting in trouble."

The group quietly walked in, thankful that they didn't have to worry about leaving their bikes in the area, further getting them into trouble if they were to be discovered.

"Hold on!"

Whisper stuck an arm out and the group stopped as Whisper looked around.

"I thought I sensed something."

"Whisper, not to sound rude, but are you sure it's not your imagination? It's pretty late and there's a chance that Terror Time might hit us or that we might get caught by someone."

"Nate, when I say I sensed something, I sensed something."

"Whisper's right. I can sense it too."

The group looked at Katie, who seemed to be concentrating on something.

"There's two figures, about Jibanyan's height. They're hiding in the construction site for some reason."

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