Chapter 16: Mirapo's Dilemma

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After getting permission from Nate's parents to spend the night at Katie's and telling Katie that they were going to pick up some snacks for movie night, the group headed over to the museum.

"I hope we can come up with a decent excuse for why it took so long to get some snacks."

"Don't worry, Nate. We'll come up with something."

They saw Eddie hanging around the museum and he waved at them as they approached.

"Hey guys! Glad you could make it!"

"Eddie? Aren't you worried that your parents will question why you're not at home at this hour?"

"Nah, they're working late tonight. Besides, it's early evening. If it was later, then I would worry."


"What did you tell your parents? I know your dads don't usually work late, so what was your excuse to be out right now?"

"We're picking up snacks for movie night."

Eddie nodded at Nate and Katie's excuse and said with a smile,

"Let's start the investigation! The front door is locked, just as I suspected, so first we need to find another way in."

Eddie went one way, so Nate and Katie went the other way.

"Seriously? I thought Eddie was smarter than this. Who doesn't check to see if there's another way in and out of somewhere?"

"We walked into a construction site with no clue about how it looked on the inside and we didn't have a plan for in case the guard woke up."

"That's different, Katie. I expected Eddie to have put some thought into this plan."

As they rounded the corner, they saw an odd mirror. They walked up to it and saw their reflections, along with the reflections of their Yo-kai companions, but they noticed an odd light blue aura surrounding the six of them. It got weirder when Eddie showed up.

"Hey, guys. Did you find somewhere we can enter yet? Huh? Why are you two staring at that old mirror?"

The strange part was that while they could see Eddie's reflection, there wasn't an aura surrounding him. In fact, they were about to ask Eddie if he saw anything out of the ordinary with the mirror when the mirror suddenly flashed and a bright light engulfed the group. When it died down, they looked around to find that they were inside the museum!

What the-?!

There were red security beams at the enterance to each exhibit like in the movies, but that was the least of their worries. They had to figure how they got in there and if they can get out again.

"I'm going to look around. The security cameras shouldn't activate until either later or if we accidently set off the security beams, so we should be safe."

Eddie left the group as the odd mirror suddenly appeared in front of the group. Whisper looked at it and facepalmed.

"Of course! It was so obivous! Guys! This mirror is actually a Yo-kai! In fact, it's Mirapo!"

This is the Yo-kai that can help us travel to areas quickly?

A face formed on the mirror and it bowed as best as it could.

"Forgive me for the sudden teleport, but I need your help with something."

"What is it?"

Mirapo sighed softly.

"I haven't been able to get much sleep ever since I was able to return to the museum. I, along with the other Mirapos, had to be checked to make sure that our transporting powers haven't been tampered with, which is why you're just now seeing me. I'm essentially the leader of the Mirapos, so if I were to give you my medal, all of the other Mirapos would be willing to help you."

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now