Chapter 19: Rescues and Fireworks

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"H-hey guys..."

"Oh! Hi, Lucas!"

The group was surprised at Lucas's appearence. Sure, they've run into each other a lot recently, but this was the first time he had decided to follow them specifically.

"I-is it alright if I hang out with you?"

Nate and Katie were now kinda confused. Sure, they wouldn't mind Lucas hanging out with them, but why now?

If we say no, he might get suspicious and keep following us, but if we say say yes, how do we explain to Bear and Eddie why he's with us?

Truthfully, they wouldn't mind a chance to get to know him better, but they also didn't know how their friends would react to him tagging along on their adventure.

We can't really ditch our friends if they're going to be in a Yo-kai infested area and we can't risk having Lucas getting inspirited if there's any Yo-kai roaming around here.

"Alright, Lucas. But stay close to us."

Lucas nodded and the group walked towards the school.

"Mind telling me why we're going to the school this late at night?"

"Bear's idea. He wants to get a better view of the fireworks from the roof."

"Why is this not an option? It would save on crowded areas near Mount Wildwood and also save people a long trip to Mount Wildwood's summit."

Nate and Katie shrugged. Lucas seemed to be a smart kid. Timid, yes, but he does understand why they were doing this. Well, part of it, anyway.


In the shadows of a tree, there was a Yo-kai that was watching the three kids as they went towards the school.

"Rats! They all have the same aura!"

The Yo-kai in question was wearing a pair of glasses with light blue tinted glass that allowed the wearer to see the auras of those with connections to Yo-kai, which he had trouble balancing because he only had one eye. Unfortunately, he didn't know that the kid he had been stalking for a while was friends with two other kids with the same aura and the four Yo-kai hanging around them didn't make things easier for him. For all he knew, the kid he was supposed to find was actually either the new boy or girl he had just came across.

Dang it! Now I have to tell my boss that there's two more kids to worry about!

He sighed as he climbed down the tree, not an easy task when one of your hands was larger than the other and you're about the size of a human toddler, and made his way back to Nocturne Hospital.


Although they were surprised that Lucas was coming with them, Bear and Eddie didn't mind him hanging around as the group walked in through the side door.

"Get the keys and we can get going."

Nate and Katie went to the area where the keys were placed, but pretended to be looking for the right keys as they slipped the keys they had gotten from Mr. Barton into their hands.

"Okay, found the keys, guys! Let's get going!"

"Wanna play?"

The group froze as they turned around to see a child-like shadow with purple smoke. Nate and Katie blinked and to their shock, not only did the strange shadow disappear, but Bear, Eddie, and Lucas had also vanished!

"They're gone! What do we do?!"

"Can you find your friends?"

The voice had changed into a creepy, sing-song tone, which scared them more.

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now