Chapter 12: The Guardian of Flower Road

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The next morning, after waking up and getting dressed, Katie hopped downstairs with Whisper and Jibanyan by her side as she wondered how the day would go.

I want to head to Blossom Heights first and get the Rank C upgrade, get the requirements for the next Rank, then head to Settle In Bookstore to see if that comic came in. Then we'll go find more stuff to do. It's definitely going to be a productive day today.

Katie grabbed a Custard Bread for her breakfast and ate it as her mother said to her,

"Morning, Katie. Your dad said he wanted to give you something before he went to work. He's right outside."

Katie nodded as she went to see what her dad wanted and she was surprised when she opened the door.


She walked over to her dad and the bicycle next to him.

This is the Sakura bicycle I've been saving for!

"What's this for?"

"Think of this as a thank you for returning those papers to us yesterday. This is the one you've been wanting, right?"

"Yeah, it is!"

She sat on the bicycle to see if it was the right size for her.

"Okay, it's the right size. I remember when I got my first bike. I rode it around town until it was dark. Man, my dad was annoyed at me for doing that."

"Isn't Harrisville smaller than Springdale, though?"

"Yeah, but he had his reasons. Seriously, though. Don't do what I did as a child."

"I'll ride it to Flower Road to get the hang of it."

"That's a good distance for a bike ride. Just go through Blossom Heights instead of Downtown. It's too busy right about now."

"Alright, I'll see you later, dad."

Katie took off on her new bike, leaving Whisper and Jibanyan behind.

"Whisper, she forgot us."

"Relax, I'll get us to her. Hold on to me."

Jibanyan got onto Whisper's back and Whisper flew after Katie. Thankfully, Katie had stopped a few feet ahead when she realized that Whisper and Jibanyan weren't with her. When they caught up with her, she gave them a sheepish smile.

"Sorry about that, guys."

"Nyeh, it's okay. It would've been awkward to put me in the basket in front of your dad, anyway."

"Oh, did you want to ride in the basket, Jibanyan?"

"I did at first, but I like being carried by Whisper."

Whisper blushed a faint pink as he plopped Jibanyan into the basket, making him annoyed.


"Oh, quiet, you lazy nekomata."

Katie just rolled her eyes as she continued pedaling, making sure that Whisper was with her this time.

"Hey, guys!"

Nate cycled up to Katie and they pedaled side-by-side.

"Nice day today, uh?"

"Oh, you got a bike too?"

"Yep! Dad got me the Breeze bike I've been saving up for as a thank you for yesterday. Heading to Blossom Heights?"

"Yeah, only for the Watch upgrade. I was also going to Settle In Bookstore on Flower Road."

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now