Chapter 10: Fusions, Nokos, and Files

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When they got to Catfish Pond, they saw that Bear's fishing stuff was gone, but Bear himself wasn't there.

"Dang it! We just missed him!"

"Well, he lives in Blossom Heights, so he might just be on his way home. We can try to meet him there or maybe we'll run into him on our way over."

"Let's tell the old man that we solved his cat problem before we go."


They told the old man that a wild dog had been eating the cat's food and that they were able to scare it off so it wouldn't be eating the cat's food anytime soon. He was thankful at the very least, so he gave them some free talismans, one Speed, one Strength, one Defense, and one Spirit.

"I run a talisman shop here at the shrine, so if you ever need to buy some talismans, just come here."

They thanked him and went on their way, hoping to run into their friend.

"I just realized something. I don't have my bug net on me, so even if we did find a Rhino Beetle, I couldn't catch it."

"Yeah, neither do I. I guess it just slipped our minds."

"Well, there's really no rush for the Rhino Beetle thing. We can find Bear, give him the ring, and explore Blossom Heights for a bit before we head back home."

"I was actually thinking of going home to put away our fishing poles. We can't carry these all the time."

"Well, we can't exactly take our bug nets everywhere either."

"Give me the fishing poles. I know where you can put them."

Curious, Nate and Katie gave their fishing poles to Whisper, who had opened the bottomless bag and pushed them inside.

"Oh, right. I forgot we had that."

"That's the beauty of this bag. If you want to, we could run by your houses and pick up your bug nets so it can also be within easy reach. No more having to worry about whether or not you should take the fishing pole or bug net."

"We really shouldn't waste too much time. We have to find Bear."

"Okay, okay. It was just a suggestion."

"When we have time, we can go by our homes and pick up our nets.

As they walked down the steps, Nate turned to Whisper and asked,

"How are our fishing poles able to get in there? I didn't think fishing poles or bug nets counted as Yo-kai related items."

"If a Yo-kai has been in contact with it, then it counts as a Yo-kai related item. Plus, you never know. Maybe there's another Yo-kai that wants fish or a Yo-kai that needs a bug for something."


After quickly dealing with a Dimmy inspiriting their classmate Shelly in the schoolyard they rushed to Blossom Heights and found Bear moping in front of the candy shop. Nate slipped his hand into his pocket, pulled out the ring, and the group walked up to Bear.

"Is this the ring you were looking for?"

Bear's eyes widened as he took the ring out of Nate's hand.

"How did you find it?!"

"You know those big splashes at Catfish Pond? We think the ring flew out during one of them."

Bear was too happy to care about asking how the ring had gotten into the pond and after thanking Nate and Katie, he ran back home.

"It's nice to see him so happy. What should we do now?"

Yo-kai Watch: A Rewrite (Book 1 of the Rewrite Series)Where stories live. Discover now