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"I won't stop till I get back what's mine."


This is exactly what I get for falling in love with my best friend.

Or maybe I just have bad luck with men period.

Either way, it's obvious I'm not supposed to have one.

It's been four days and we haven't spoken at all.

I wonder what I did wrong...

I've just been locked in my apartment feeling sorry for myself with no one to talk to expect Micah.

At least I know he'll never leave me.

Maya, Bri, Camille, Karmen, Omar even Swan and E has been blowing up my line.

I haven't answered nor have I been to work.

I know that's stupid since I'm missing out on my money.

And then Micah keeps asking to see him and it's just hard to handle right now.

It's eating me alive to know I wasn't even worth an explanation but I guess I have to suck it up and move on.

I have to learn not to care like he does.

Today is the day I stop feeling sorry for myself.

I'm going to work tomorrow and after I drop Micah off at practice, imma take care of myself.

This hair and these nails definitely need to be done.

When I finished moping, I got up, cleaned and began cooking.

I decided to make Chicken Alfredo so I put the noodles on to boil.

As soon as I sat down there were knocks at my door.

Might as well.

Sighing, I got up to go answer it.

Not even caring who it was I just swung the door open.

Instantly, Omar bombarded me with questions.

"Mariah, what's wrong? Why the fuck you been ignoring everybody? Why-" he stopped when he seen how puffy my eyes were and how messy my hair is.

I sighed and looked away, ashamed of my appearance.

"Omar, I need help." I whined.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "What's wrong Riah?"

I looked down as my eyes welled with tears once again.

Welp... so much for not feeling sorry for myself.

He lifted my head and pulled me towards him.

I immediately felt comforted as his cologne lingered into my nose.

Still not Bryson though.

"Tell me what's wrong Riah." He said softly.

I sniffled, "He broke up with me." I cried.

He rubbed my back, "What? Why though?"

"I don't knooow. He didn't even tell me. He just broke up with me with no explanation."

He paused, "Damn... I'm so sorry Mariah."

"This isn't fair." I continued. "Why can't I have someone who loves me? Everyone I love ends up leaving."

"Don't say that Mariah, you always got me."

"Don't tell me that, you're just gonna leave like Bryson did." I sobbed.

"I'm not that nigga Mariah...
let me show you."

— • —

new book, who dis?

lmao I promise I'm not gonna talk as much on this book, I swear.

my big ass mouth. 😂

anyways first chapter thoughts? 😌

I hope y'all ready for this ride because I'm the driver and I ain't got no license... meaning it's about to get crazy.

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