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major shout out to shprism for creating the new Been That Way cover! It's dope as hell, I love it so much! so make sure y'all follow her and read her works!

"I know these other niggas thirsty but please never entertain them cause that would hurt me."


"Bryson!" I called after him even though it was no use.

"Fuck." I mumbled under my breath, face palming myself.

"I'll go check on him sis." Eric said, standing up and giving me a hug.

"Thanks E." I sighed.

When he left I turned and looked at Omar.

"What was that?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Mariah I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause all of that. It just came up in the convo. I didn't know y'all were back... you know."

Well now I don't know what's going on between us.

"It's just complicated right now." I sighed.

He nodded slowly, "Well once again I'm sorry. I'll catch you later, aight?"

I simply nodded.

He sighed and gave me a hug before leaving.

"I can't do this shit right now." I mumbled, adjusting my lense.

Just when shit was going good...


After storming out I sat in my truck waiting for Eric to bring his on.

A few minutes later, I seen him coming out.

"Damn so you was just gone leave me huh?" He said entering my truck.

"You see I'm still here, right?" I replied, starting the truck.

He didn't say anything, just shook his head.

We rode in silence before Eric spoke again.

"You know y'all weren't together?"

I clenched my jaw, "I don't wanna talk about this shit."

He nodded, "Aight... then just listen."

I rolled my eyes.

"Bryson I'm your little brother and everything but you have no right to be mad at Mariah man. I mean you did break up with her for no reason-"

"I did have a reason."  I cut him off.

"But did she know that though?"

I didn't say anything so he kept talking.

"Right. And she loves you dawg, she was fucking hurt. She probably wasn't thinking of her actions when she did it. You know damn well she wouldn't do you dirty like that and it's not like she fucked him."

"It's just the nigga she kissed. She knows I don't like that nigga." I gritted.

"I hate to say it but he was there to comfort her... you weren't."

When he said that, it hit hard.

Because he's right...

He placed his hand on my shoulder,
"Don't shut her out bro."

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