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A week has passed and I still haven't told Bryson I'm pregnant and surprisingly he hasn't brung it up.

He's just been throwing slick shots.

I know the asshole knows that's why I'm waiting to tell him.

I can't ever have any fun.

"Smile baby!" Bryson said busting into the bathroom.

Even though he caught me off guard, it sure doesn't look like it.

Even though he caught me off guard, it sure doesn't look like it

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"You getting thick baby, I must be doing something right." Bryson bit his lip.

"Yeah and pulling out is not one of em." I mumbled.

"What you say nigga?" He said slapping my butt really hard.

"Ouch Bryson! Get away from me." I pouted.

He laughed and wrapped his arms me from the back, "Awww you so damn sensitive. Pick ya damn lip up."

"No, you're so mean to me."

"I'm mean to you baby?"

"Mhm." I nodded.

"Awww well you know it's date night, I'll make it up to you then. Where you tryna go?"

"Hmm I'm thinking Mexican. La Parrilla?" I said naming my favorite Mexican restaurant.

"We can go anywhere you want. As long as we wine and dine." He smirked.

My eyes widened, "I'm not in the mood for wine Bry."

"Oh really? You haven't drank it in a minute, you good?"

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