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When I woke up the next day I was all smiles.

Like I seriously felt like a new person.
I can't believe we held out for so long.

I hope he regrets it too...

I looked at my phone to see that Bryson texted me while I was asleep which added to my happiness.

husband 💙 : hey baby, I know you're sleep but I just want you to know I love you and I'm so happy that you're in my life. 4:36 am

I rolled my eyes at the fact he changed his contact name.

There are so many things Bryson does while I'm sleeping.

— why are you telling me this ? is there anything else you did that I should be worried about ? 👀 6:48 am

I texted back since I know he's up getting Harley ready.

husband 💙 : lol nah, I can't say I love you while you're sleeping so I can leave a smile on your face for when you wake up ? 6:50 am

He texted back making me blush.

But he's right.
I do have a permanent smile on my face but I don't think it's from the text...

—mhm but I love you too baby. 😘 6:51 am

husband 💙 : I'll see you later ? 6:52 am

— idk , I'm pretty busy today so if you do it'll be really late. 6:53 am

husband 💙 : I'm fine with being a bootycall. 😋 6:53 am

— yeah , I bet you are. 😂 anyways have a good day baby. 6:54 am

husband 💙 : oh I will. 😏 you have a good day too, don't miss me too much. 6:55 am

😂😂😂😂 bye. 6:56

He didn't text back so I got up and went to Micah's room to see him still sleep.

"Hey Micaaaah!" I yelled in his ear.

I laughed when I seen his little eyebrows furrow.

"Micah!" I yelled again because I know he's not fully awake.

His eyes fully opened and he glared at me.

He roughly rubbed his eyes before sitting up.

"Good morning my baby." I beamed.

"Hi mommy." He said lowly.

"You ready for the day?"

He nodded slowly.

"Good." I smiled.

"Mommy... why you so happy?" Micah grumbled.

"Because I got the best son in the world." I said before grabbing his face and kissing him all over it.

He scrunched his face more and tried to move, "Moooommy."

I laughed, "Okay imma stop. Get ready though Mi, I already got your outfit laid out for you and I'll be back to check your breath."

He nodded, getting up.

I went to my room and quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face.

When I was finished I went back to Micah's room to see him pulling on his shirt.

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