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"next time around fuck, I want it to be different yeah."


"What's up Alicia?" I said opening the door so I can go lay Harley down.

"What's up?! That's all you can say?!" She yelled making me turn around a point my finger in her face.

"Yo chill the fuck out before you wake up my daughter."

She rolled her eyes and pouted before I turned back around and continued up the stairs.

After tucking Harley in, I went back downstairs to see Alicia standing there with her arms crossed.

I sighed and plopped back down on the couch, "What?"

"What you mean what? Why have you been around Mariah?"

I shrugged nonchalantly, "Cause it was her son's birthday and I love her." I said blankly.

She laughed, "You love her?"

I stared at her for a long time... 
like is she serious?

She looked around, "Well?"

I tucked in my lips, "Uh yeah, I've been trying to tell you that for the longest. "

She shook her head, "Wow. You're unbelievable, Bryson."

I looked around, confused.

Am I in the Twilight Zone?

I scoffed, "Yeah, I'm the unbelievable one."

"You are, I just don't know what you see in her." She crossed her arms.

"Well... she didn't drug me, have sex with me, record it, and save my nut." I shrugged, "You know, those are some basic things that I see in her."

"You don't understand Bryson, I did all of that to help you." She said like she wasn't crazy whatsoever.

"Right, right." I nodded. "You know what else you could've done?"


I stood up and got in her face.

"Leave me the fuck alone. Wasn't shit wrong with our relationship until you fucked it up. You're fucking crazy and you might as well give it up because I'm not gonna stop seeing her, so get the fuck out my house." I gritted.

She looked shocked before she glared at me, "You know Bryson, that was strike one and all I'm gone say is watch your damn mouth because you don't want to make it to strike three and I'll leave and let you cool down since I'm assuming you had a long day with those kids."

She grabbed her purse before turning towards me again, "I'll see you later daddy, and remember don't get to strike three. Try me if you want." She smiled and blew me a kiss before leaving.

I blew out air and roughly rubbed my hands down my face.

Swan needs to hurry the fuck up, I can't do this shit anymore.

— • —

The next day I decided to just chill with Harley since it's her first day of Pre-K tomorrow and Lena is gonna be taking her.

I can't believe she's four...

I texted Mariah earlier and Maya's in town to takeover and take Micah shopping for his birthday and school supplies so Mariah said she's just gonna chill with Bri.

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