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"I'm coming back for good so let them niggas know it's mine."


I rolled up a blunt real quick before going down to Mariah's place.

I knocked on her door loudly until she answered with a mug on her face.

"Can I he-"

I cut her off saying, "Can we talk?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled, opening her door up more, "Yeah, I guess. Come on."

I smiled and entered. When I walked past the kitchen I shook my head at all the ingredients she had laid out on the counter.

"Don't even say shit, Bryson."

I laughed, "I wasn't going to."

She led me out to the balcony and we sat in our original seats.

We were both silent for a moment until I smiled, remembering some of the moments we had out here.

"We had some good moments out here..." I said lighting the blunt.

She nodded, "That we did."

"Remember the time I ate yo pus-"

"Bryson!" She blushed.

I laughed and shrugged, "Hey that was my favorite time out here."

She pushed me and paused before saying,

"Mine was when you vented to me about Lena then fell asleep in my lap... I felt so much closer to you afterwards." She said quietly.

I blew out smoke and nodded, "That was one of mine too..."

It got quiet after that so I took another puff before passing it to her.

Surprisingly, she took it and I watched her intently as she inhaled.

I had to turn away though because I was getting turned on and this was not the time for that.

She took another hit before passing it back to me.

"So what's up, Bryson? What you wanna talk about?" She asked blowing out smoke.

"I uh... I wanna tell you why I broke up with you..."

She nodded slowly, not looking at me.

I sighed and took one more hit before putting it out.

"Alright remember when I had a concert in Florida and I had to host an afterparty afterwards?"

She nodded again, looking straight ahead.

"Well at the after party everything was going good at first until I felt someone staring at me. I turned my head and seen that Alicia was there."

She still didn't look at me but I seen her furrow her eyebrows.

I took a deep breath, "She came into the VIP section and I ignored her of course but eventually I branched off and chilled by myself. I ordered this  drink and it had a weird aftertaste..."

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