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I've been in the studio nonstop trying to finish TRAPSOUL.

Now that Mariah doesn't occupy most of my time, I'm free more.

It's depressing but it's for the best.

She's already been through so much I can't put her through any more.

As I was finishing the beat for The Sequence the girl at the front desk buzzed me letting me know I had a visitor.

Thinking it was Swan, I turned in my seat.

But it wasn't Swan, it was Alicia.

This bitch.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"Hey boo." She said trying to give me a kiss on my cheek but I pushed her back.

She looked taken back as she put her hand over her heart, "Attitude much?"

"Alicia just because you made me break up with Mariah, doesn't mean I want you. I'm in love with her, not you. I don't even fucking like you so please get that through your thick ass skull." I gritted.

She laughed and hit my back like I was playing, "I see you're still salty but you'll get over it, Bryson. I promise."

Hearing the words I promise made me cringe.

I miss Mariah so much man, it's killing me.

I simply sighed and continued working on this beat.

I could feel her eyes burning holes in my back and I was confused as to why she was still here.

"Why the fuck are you staring at me Alicia?" I asked not even turning around.

"You just..." I felt her body get closer to me and her breath on my neck, "look so delicious."

I looked up blankly and looked back down.

I wasn't turned on the slightest bit.

I continued working on the beat and Alicia kept touching me making me grow agitated.

"Yo back the fuck up!" I said as she tried to run her hands down my chest.

She paused and I heard her laugh lightly.

"It sounds like you want another baby on the way, Bryson. I'd watch that tone if I was you."

I stayed silent and I leaned back in my chair.

I didn't want that.

"Like I thought." She laughed. "I'll be at your house later though." She kissed my earlobe before leaving.

"I am about to fucking shoot myself!" I shouted as I threw random shit across the room.

I groaned and sat my head in my hands.

As I sat there moping I felt someone lay their hand on my back,

"Get the fuck off me, Alicia."

"My hand does not feel like a female's hand." I heard Swan's voice say.

I slowly sat my head up and looked at him.

"Damn bro, you look like hell on Earth."

"I feel like hell on Earth." I rubbed a hand down my face, "You talk to Mariah yet?" I asked with a glint of hope.

He shook his head, "Sorry B, she still not budging."

"Fuck." I mumbled.

Swan is the only one who knows what happened that night.

He was drugged too so he couldn't prevent it but I told him everything that happened.

I can't keep contact with her but Swan can so I'm hoping that Mariah will answer the phone.

"But if it makes you feel any better, she hasn't been talking to anyone." He said breaking my thought.

"That doesn't make me feel any better... I broke her."

"Mariah is strong, I could understand if she needs time to herself and she'll bounce right back."

I shook my head, "I'm such a fucking hypocrite man. I cheated on her-"

"B, you didn't cheat on her. You were raped." He said seriously.

Hearing that aloud made me break down.

It's been going round in my mind since that happened and it was true.

I was fucking raped.

All I could is put my head in my hands and cry.

"Yo B..." Swan said putting his hand on my shoulder, "Talk to her. I know she'll understand and you know Mariah crazy, she'll have yo back a hundred percent."

"I can't talk to her, Alicia will fuck it up with the video."

Swan leaned back in the seat, thinking until he snapped his fingers.

"I know exactly who can help us, there's this nigga I met in Europe named KP." Swan smiled, "We got this. Don't stress yourself."

I lifted up my head, "What does he do?" I asked.

Swan smirked,
"Don't worry bout all of that just know...
we gone get your girl back bro."

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who heard Priorities by Sy Ari Da Kid ft Bryson ?

he sounds heavenly in that song. 😩

if you haven't I suggest you do.

even though I'm probably late but idc idc.

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