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"Don't know when I'm finna wife it, I still ain't decided."


After I left Mariah's job, I was fucking confused.

And I was pissed.

Mariah was not supposed go back to Bryson.

It was going perfectly until he had to fuck it up...

When I got to her condo, I banged on her door.

It took forever for her to come to door but when someone finally did come to the door a man came out, buttoning his shirt.

"Bye Darius, tell Katrina I said hey!" Alicia yelled out to him.

She finally looked towards me and smiled, "Hey, come on in."

I internaly rolled my eyes and entered.

She wrapped her robe around herself and sat on the couch, patting the seat next to her.

"So Omar you got a girlfriend yet?'

"Nope." I responded quickly.

She sucked her teeth, "Dang it. So what can I do for you?"

"Mariah and Bryson are back together." I said getting straight to the point.

Alicia's face fell straight.

"Fuck." She whispered.

Fuck is right.

She got up and paced the living room before pausing.

"Um okay... don't stress, I have another plan that I know is going to work."

I raised my eyebrow, "And you're sure its gonna work this time?"

She nodded and smiled slyly, "Positive... but it may take some time."

I shrugged, "I don't care, as long as it works."

"Good." She nodded.

I don't know what she has planned all I can say is she better hopes it works this time,

I'm tired of waiting...


It's Friday and I am exhausted.

After work, I had nothing planned so I went to go get Micah and go home but when I got there Bri and Lena were standing in front of my door.

I raised my eyebrow, "Uh can I help you two?" I asked.

"Damn, that's how you greet us?" Bri said shocked.

"I'm sorry, it's just that it's Friday and-

"You ain't got no job?" Bri joked.

I laughed before blankfacing her, "No, I'm tired."

"I'm not!" Micah added.

"You're never tired Mi."

"I know, just like Kevin Gates." He said making us all laugh.

"That's the spirit boyfriend. You need to be like Micah because, you ma'am are coming with me." Bri smiled.

"And Micah is spending the night at my house with Harley."

"That sounds nice but whyyyy?" I whined.

"Don't ask no questions just open the door so we can get ready. We don't have much time." Bri nudged me.

Knowing whatever they got planned, I'm not getting out of it so I just sighed and opened the door.

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