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first update of the year, HAAAN! 😛


"Yo." I said answering the phone.

"Where you at?" Swan asked.

"Studio type shit." I replied, still mixing a beat.

Swan started laughing loudly making me confused.

I paused, "What's funny nigga?"

"Yo I gotta surprise for you bro, I'm on the way."

"Alright... I guess."

"Alright bruh." He said before hanging up.

I just shook my head and continued what I was doing.

Moments later, Swan's loud ass came but he had some other tall darkskin guy with him.

"Wassup brother?" He said dapping me up.

"Wassup." I nodded, "Who's this?"

"This my friend, this is KP." Swan said patting his shoulder.

At this point, I couldn't stop the smile that formed on my face.

I've never been so happy to see a man ever in my life.

I stood up and dapped him up, "Wassup bruh."

"Wassup." KP nodded.

I sat back down and they joined me.

"Alright so KP..." I started.

"What's good?"

"My boy Swan told you can help me with my situation so... what is it that you do since this nigga here," I glared at Swan, "never told me."

"I'm a hacker." He said simply, shrugging.

"No, he's not just a hacker, he's THE hacker. He can hack into literally into anything. When we were in Europe he hacked into this girls phone and got her number for me." Swan added.

I blankly stared at Swan and KP laughed.

"What?" Swan asked confused.

I shook my head, "You're a creep." I looked back at KP, "So you can hack into this girl's phone and delete a video?"

KP nodded, "Yep, in a matter of seconds. Just need name and number." He said pulling his laptop out his laptop bag.

"Alicia Raye Silva. 714-368-4256." I stated.

He nodded and cracked his fingers making me laugh before he began typing away on his laptop.

Like five minutes later he turned his laptop towards me showing me all the pictures in her gallery, "This her?"

I rolled my eyes at the sight of her.

I nodded, "Yeah."

"Alright so, I'm on her phone right now. I can just delete the video or I can delete everything including everything on her iCloud too, leaving a trace of absolutely nothing. So now it's on you, what you tryna do?"

"Fuck that crazy ass girl, delete EVERYTHING." I immediately said putting emphasis on everything.

KP laughed, "Alright, I got you." He said before typing again.

He leaned back for a few seconds before smiling, "By now her phone should be crashing and shutting down and when she cuts it back on, literally everything will be gone, iCloud and all." He said closing his laptop.

"You're a free man!" Swan said shaking my shoulder.

I heavily sighed, feeling a big ass weight being lifted off my shoulder.

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