Chapter 26 The Bench

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                Right after class ended, I went straight to the bench just outside Neptune High where Alex texted me to go. When I got there, he wasn’t yet, so I waited patiently for him.

                I just sat and waited for him. I scooted my head around, searching for Alex. I got views of people, students to be particular. A lot of them were leaving, going for parties or sex or whatever. Somehow, I had the urge to get Alex to one of those sex parties.

                I got so much occupied by the sight of couples leaving and kissing that I didn’t notice Alex came from behind me.

                “Hey.” He greeted, and I turned back around. “Liyah.”

                “Hi!” chills ran down my body when I saw his smile.

                “Thank you for coming.” He sat beside me.

                “It’s fine.” I smiled back. “I could use some time with you.”

                “What? Were you to do something by this time?” he asked.

                “Well… Nick, Laura, and I were supposed to go to this party at Harvey’s house, but I didn’t really wanna come anyway.”

                “Oh, come on!” he insisted that he shouldn’t have bothered my schedule. “A party at Friday night’s always awesome! Why didn’t you go? We could always talk later.”

                “It’s really fine.” I laughed. “I’m okay with it.”

                “No. I feel like I’m getting in your way.” He chuckled.

                “No, no, no.” I laughed. “It’s really okay. You could never get in my way, Alex.”

                “Wow.” He stopped. “Thanks.”

                “You’re welcome. Okay. What was it about Winnie that you wanted to talk about?”

                “Yeah.” He started. “Well, as you’ve known, she’s been always with me these past few weeks.”

                “Yeah.” I felt very curious.

                “She’s been…” he paused and made some gesture that I was sure I couldn’t figure out. “You know.”

                “She likes you.” I said.

                “Yeah.” He looked at me and nodded. “I know.”

                “It’s not that surprising, Alex.” I chuckled.

                “What do you mean?”

                “You’re the nicest and most handsome guy in school. Any girl would have liked you.” I said and he laughed to it.

                “I’m flattered. Thanks.” He chuckled. “You’re very pretty, yourself.”

                “Make sure you’re not saying that to throw back the flattering at me.” I said. Then, we both laughed. “But thank you.”

                We stayed quiet for some little moments. It wasn’t really awkward with the silence. The wind that blew my hair kept us from talking, like I wanted to sleep next to him.

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